After rewrite old post is gone
I accidentially hit the save button in Elementor for a post where I used rewrite and republish. But I wans’t ready. But now the old page is nowhere. Not under Draft or Bin? I can neither use the revisions as there are only the recent ones. What can I do?
Could you please confirm if you have the latest version of both the Yoast Duplicate Post plugin and Elementor?
Just to clarify, in order to try and reproduce the issue, we have to create an Elementor post, and then use the rewrite and republish feature, and with the created draft from the rewrite, make some changes and click on the ‘save’ button in Elementor, and not republish, right?
We need to know the exact steps in order to try and reproduce this issue from our end, otherwise it’d be a bit difficult to try and troubleshoot this without taking a closer look at your particular setup.
Hi, thanks for the reply. Yes both plugins are up to date.
I did the following:
1. Cliked on rwrite & republish on a page
2. I was led to the drafted page
3. I deleted the old content and added new content in Elementor (previous builder was builder)
4. In Elementor you always need to click the arrow next to save and then on “save draft” for every post/page. If you click save on a draft it will be published live. A bit confusing I know. So I accidentially clicked save although the drafted page was not ready yet.After that I checked all pages and the old page was nowhere to be found, neither under draft nor in the bin. We were now able to recover the page from a backup.
Was the existing page created with Elementor already or was it created with the default WordPress block editor?
Just to clarify, you clicked on ‘save draft’ and it published the page? You weren’t able to select the ‘republish’ option?
If you could provide us with some screenshots that better highlight this (you can use a website such as or to upload screenshots and share links here), this would be helpful so we can try and reproduce this on our end with the Elementor page builder and Yoast Duplicate post and determine if it really is a bug or issue.
Thanks for your assistance on this!
the initial page was created with the Avada page builder. I clicked on “Edit with Elemenor” and deleted the old content. Within Elementor it just said “Save” or “Save draft”. I accidentially clicked on Save and the page was published.
So the initial page was created with the Avada Page Builder. Then you used the ‘rewrite & republish’ feature. Then, for the draft, you selected the ‘edit with Elementor’ option, and then made the changes. Then when you clicked on ‘save’, the page was published.
While we’re not sure if this is an issue between the Yoast Duplicate Post plugin and a conflict with Elementor, we do know that you’re supposed to click on the ‘Republish’ button for it to complete the rewrite & republish function and actually publish the updated article with the changes (under the same slug).
If you were to try this again, and click on ‘save as draft’, could you check and confirm if it doesn’t publish the page again? It might be a conflict with Elementor itself.
@mikes41720 I think the question was quite simply if there really is no backup if you accidentally rewrite & republish before the content is ready.
If you rewrite & republish a post, the old post is just completely gone, it’s not even in the bin and not accessible via revisions. Or is there a way?
Hey @axelyesdevs
In that context, then there’s no backup or previous revision that can be restored once the ‘republish’ has already happened, as it will the copy from the rewritten draft and overwrite it to the post under the existing slug.
But in your documentation it’ssaid, that the old post will be available as a draft. And in my case there was no draft.
Do you mean this article? Could you please clarify exactly what you mean that the old post would be available as a draft? Is it when you’ve already clicked on the ‘republish’ button on the rewritten draft?
When you use the rewrite & republish feature on a post, the expectation would be two things:
The original post would still be in your list of posts. If you were to edit that, there would be a notification or message of – A duplicate of this post was made. Please note that any changes you make to this post will be replaced when the duplicated version is republished.
There would then be a draft of the original post in your list of posts. It would have an addition to its title of ‘Draft, Rewrite & Republish of x’. This is what you make your changes on. When you click on the ‘republish’ button, it would take all of those changes and merge them onto the original post. There would then be no more drafts after that.
Ah then I understood it wrong. I though the old post was still somewhere as a draft or so which wold be a nice feature though.
In step 3 of the article here, there is an additional step of ‘save changes and compare’ so that you’re able to compare the original version to the draft with the changes that you’ve made, just to be sure that everything is in order before you finally click on the ‘republish’ button and it results in the overwriting of the draft to the original post.
Hope this helps!
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