• Mia?y by? 4 gwiazdki, bo jedna utr?cona, dlatego ?e produkt nie jest oznaczany jako “do pobrania” (a opcja ta znika, gdy zaznaczymy “kupon PDF”), a tym samym bez dodatkowe wspomagania po p?atno?ci zamówienie nie jest automatycznie oznaczane jako zrealizowane. Jednak po testach spa?? musz? kolejne 3: W przypadku gdy podczas zakupu zostanie wykorzystany kupon promocyjny, to karta podarunkowa jest wystawiana nie na kwot? nominaln?, ale na realnie zap?acon? kwot?. Absurd ;-P

    ENG: They were supposed to be 4 stars, because one is lost, because the product is not marked as “download” (and this option disappears when we select “PDF coupon”), and thus without additional support after payment, the order is not automatically marked as completed. However, after the tests, another 3 must to fall: If a promotional coupon is used during the purchase, the gift card is issued not for a nominal amount, but for the amount actually paid. Absurd ;-P

    • This topic was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by Yui.
    • This topic was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by Patryk.
    • This topic was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by Patryk.
Viewing 6 replies - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)
  • Thread Starter Patryk


    Mia?y by? 4 gwiazdki, bo jedna utr?cona, dlatego ?e produkt nie jest oznaczany jako “do pobrania” (a opcja ta znika, gdy zaznaczymy “kupon PDF”), a tym samym bez dodatkowe wspomagania po p?atno?ci zamówienie nie jest automatycznie oznaczane jako zrealizowane. Jednak po testach spa?? musz? kolejne 3: W przypadku gdy podczas zakupu zostanie wykorzystany kupon promocyjny, to karta podarunkowa jest wystawiana nie na kwot? nominaln?, ale na realnie zap?acon? kwot?. Absurd ;-P

    No dobra, chyba si? Wam upiek?o, bo przy próbie zmiany oceny mam ci?gle informacj?, ?e nie mam uprawnień. Cho? teoretycznie niby mog? zmieni? ocen? w dowolnym momencie ;-P

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by Patryk.
    Moderator Steven Stern (sterndata)


    Volunteer Forum Moderator

    “Okay, I think you got away with it, because when I try to change my rating, I still have information that I do not have the right”

    No one’s gettting away with anything. You can’t edit your original review because you’ve been flagged for moderator review. As that was almost two years ago, I’ve removed that flag. You should now be able to edit the original review (above).

    Thread Starter Patryk


    OK, thx ??

    Plugin Support rzepsen


    Hello @prcpl

    Thank you for rating our next plugin. Our plugin works as follows. If you select a product as a PDF Coupon, it is automatically treated as a virtual product, so when you select the PDF Coupon checkbox, the option of selecting a virtual product disappears from the settings.

    According to autocomple orders with coupon – product issue: This is a bug. After the fix, orders that include a coupon product will works like orders with virtual products. The coupon will be generated and a message with the coupon will be sent to the customer as soon as the order has reached the status of completed.

    Regarding the idea that the coupon should include the nominal price of the discounted product – we are working on this in the PRO version and will let you know when it’s implemented.

    If you have noticed things that could be improved in our products, we would love to hear your feedback on it.

    Best regards

    Plugin Support rzepsen


    Hello @prcpl

    We have just released the Flexible PDF Coupons Pro 1.5.2 update containing the proper fixes for the problem you’ve reported so please simply do the update.

    If the WordPress updater hasn’t informed you about the newer versions available, please check for the updates manually choosing the Dashboard tab > Updates > Check Again option.

    The change is that the “Download” checkbox is no longer hidden in the product edit. If you select it will achieve the expected result.

    Also we added ability to use regular price when coupon price is discounted

    Please let me know if you have any further questions or if there is something more I can help you with

    Kind regards,

    Plugin Support tomasz_bednarek


    Hi @prcpl,

    please update the plugin to the latest version (1.5.5) that resolves the issue.

    View post on imgur.com

    I am sorry for your inconvenience.

    If you have any questions let me know.

    Have a good day!


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