• Ryan


    Sorry Dennis, I initially gave this plugin 5/5 stars (the first person to give it a vote it appears), but have dropped that down to 2 (“works”) because the nag screen for donations is infuriatingly irritating.

    I get it, you’re a plugin developer and you’d like donations. I’m a plugin developer, donations are good. I’m in no way against asking for such donations. But in my opinion 100 lines of code, much of which was quite liberally borrowed from other sources online, does not entitle you to hijacking my dashboard.

    Anyone else that is having a hard time disabling this, and keeping it disabled (just removing the check in the box under your Dashboard’s Screen Options wont cut it) simply go to the Settings->Miscellaneous page and click the check next to “I give the affidavit that I have sent a donation to Dennis Hoppe or paid him a fee for his job.”

    My donation Dennis, is the opinion shared above. Your welcome.


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  • ditto

    Just deleted it and replaced with Resize at Upload Plus. I’m completely embarrassed since it sat on the dashboards for several days (undectected by me) of all my authors on my multi-author multi-site blog network – begging for money from me by my name personally.

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