• I recently moved to a new hosting company with cPanel. I migrated my websites with the Duplicator plugin. When I created the DBs I gave the user All Privileges but now that the sites are migrated I’m wondering if I should scale back the privileges. The link below is what WordPress suggests but I have a feeling that’s old info and my All Privileges has more options than the list shown on the link.


    My current host allows: Alter, Create, Create Temporary Tables, Delete, Event, Index, Lock Tables, Select, Trigger, Alter Routine, Create Routine, Create View, Drop, Execute, Insert, References, Show View, Update.

    I’m looking for advice for the best set of database user privileges to have enabled permanently.

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by Jan Dembowski. Reason: Moved to Fixing WordPress, this is not an Everything else WordPress topic
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  • I would leave the GRANTs the way the are right now – and alter what you need based on users and roles using a granular role editor plugin like this:

    Adjust your permissions on the WordPress side, not the db side.

    Thread Starter elizabeth


    Thanks but that plugin doesn’t seem to have anything to do with database user privileges. Database user privileges is not the same as WordPress user privileges.

    Yes, I’m aware.
    If your question is:
    > I’m wondering if I should scale back the privileges
    then my answer is No.

    And to expand on that, if these users are in your WP site, and you want to grant or deny for the website, then use the frontend.
    You can also remove all db users, and only leave the one that is in your wp-config file.

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