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  • Plugin Support Thu P. a11n


    Hi there,

    I took a look and it looks like the reCaptcha form’s code comes directly from Google, so I’m afraid we can’t change how it looks using CSS.

    Thread Starter yacinemilan


    And what can I do about it ? Is there any other way to reshape it ? You got any article or info that can help with that ?
    Thank you

    Thread Starter yacinemilan


    anybody please ???

    Plugin Author Bruna a11n


    Hi @yacinemilan,

    If you’re looking to change the reCaptcha format from compact to normal, you can use this filter:


    For reference:

    I hope it helps!

    Thread Starter yacinemilan


    Thank you and yeah that exactly what I wanna do, change it from compact to normal
    Can you please explain more ? Give me the whole code that I should put, I’m bad at programing and writing codes
    And should I put it in the form css or where exactly ?

    Thank you

    Thread Starter yacinemilan


    Anybody ????

    Plugin Support Dani F. a11n


    Hi there @yacinemilan ????

    Can you please explain more ? Give me the whole code that I should put, I’m bad at programing and writing codes
    And should I put it in the form css or where exactly ?

    I am not a developer myself but in order to change it to compact I think that you could add this snippet of code:

    add_filter('mailpoet_re_captcha_size', 'normal');

    To add the snippet you might want to use a plugin as

    Having said this, I have tried the filter myself and couldn’t see any differences. I have checked this with the devs now and will get back to you with an update soon.


    Thread Starter yacinemilan


    Well hi and thank you for your reply
    I actually fixed the issue by changing the captcha size in public javascript file in the plugin core files from compact to normal, it was extra easy and it worked but I’m not sure if this would effect my website negatively or something like that .. kinda why I didn’t want to mention it here until I get a reply for a plugin support team, so I’m asking if this is ok that I did that ?

    Plugin Support Dani F. a11n


    Hi @yacinemilan ????

    I actually fixed the issue by changing the captcha size in public javascript file in the plugin core files from compact to normal,

    What you have done will actually work but we normally don’t recommend to update plugin files because your changes will be lost with every new update.

    Having said this, here you an example of JavaScript code that you can use:

    jQuery(document).ready(function( $ ){
    	wp && wp.hooks && wp.hooks.addFilter('mailpoet_re_captcha_size', 'mailpoet', function () { return 'normal'; });

    In order to add that custom JavaScript code to your site you can create a file and enqueue it or (maybe simpler) use a plugin such as Simple Custom CSS and JS

    I hope this helps!

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