Hi @frogandfrond, sorry about 46/72 mistake. In any case: there is more/less fields on each rule depending of which settings are set on each (MIN/MAX fields, actions, etc.). The Fish and Ships interface works in JavaScript, and you can add/duplicate infinite rules, without any limitation, and when you click on “Save changes” button, this values will be sento to the webserver as any other form, in the same way WooCommerce built-in shipping methods does.
I tested it in a XAMPP local environment, duplicating all rules every time, and I was able to save up to 48, next duplication (96) has been ignored, like you say.
On the local webserver log errors, I found this message:
Warning: Unknown: Input variables exceeded 1000. To increase the limit change max_input_vars in php.ini. in Unknown on line 0
I changed the limit to 3000 and restarted, adding this lines into PHP.ini:
suhosin.get.max_vars = 3000
suhosin.post.max_vars = 3000
suhosin.request.max_vars = 3000
max_input_vars = 3000
Following this article: https://www.enquerer.com/what-is-max-input-vars-and-how-to-change-it/
And then I was able to save the 96 rules without any problems.
Please, check your log errors on your server, and check any limitation by doing a phpinfo(), some other module may lock the max vars:
In any case: I think there is too much rules, maybe rules can be set in a more general way, you can open a new thread about if you want help about it.
Kind regards,
Carles Martin
wp-centrics support team