Hello @kna1337
If you don’t want to display an alert, you can insert an “HTML Content” field in the form and define it as dependent on the calculated field you are using for validating the values.
Please, insert an “HTML Content” field in the form and enter the Warning text as its content with the style and format you prefer. For example:
<h1 style="color:red">WARNING!!!</h1>
Now, edit the equation as follows:
IF(OR(fieldname2+fieldname3*2+70<150, 4000<fieldname2+fieldname3*2+70, fieldname3*2+fieldname4+80<250, 1400<fieldname3*2+fieldname4+80), 1, 2)
Finally, you can define a dependency in the calculated field settings to display the HTML content field inserted previously when the equation result is equal to 1.
More information about dependencies by reading the following blog post:
Best regards.