• I have found lots of posts on how to do the opposite, but right now my archive page and search results show as full articles. How do I change it so that it only shows excerpts of the posts? My site is https://www.guitarforworship.com, my host is bluehost, and my theme is mystique.

    Here is the code for my search results:

     /* Mystique/digitalnature */
      <div id="main">
       <div id="main-inside" class="clear-block">
        <!-- primary content -->
        <div id="primary-content">
         <div class="blocks">
          <?php do_action('mystique_before_primary'); ?>
           $searchquery = wp_specialchars(get_search_query(),1);
           if(($searchquery) && ($searchquery!=__('Search',"mystique"))):
             if (have_posts()): ?>
             <h1 class="title"><?php printf(__("Search results for %s","mystique"),'<span class="altText">'.$searchquery.'</span>'); ?></h1>
              while (have_posts()):
              endwhile; ?>
             <!-- page navigation -->
             <div class="page-navigation clear-block">
              <?php mystique_pagenavi('alignright'); ?>
             <!-- /page navigation -->
            <?php else: ?>
             <h1 class="title"><span class="error"><?php _e('Nothing found.','mystique'); ?></span> <?php _e('Try a different search?','mystique'); ?></h1>
             <?php mystique_search_form(); ?>
            <?php endif; ?>
          <?php else: ?>
      	    <h1 class="title"><?php _e('What do you wish to search for?','mystique'); ?></h1>
            <?php mystique_search_form(); ?>
          <?php endif; ?>
          <?php do_action('mystique_after_primary'); ?>
       <!-- /primary content -->
        <?php get_sidebar(); ?>
    <!-- /main content -->
    <?php get_footer(); ?>

    and my archive page:

     /* Mystique/digitalnature */
      <!-- main content: primary + sidebar(s) -->
      <div id="main">
       <div id="main-inside" class="clear-block">
        <!-- primary content -->
        <div id="primary-content">
         <div class="blocks">
          <?php do_action('mystique_before_primary'); ?>
           if (have_posts()) :
            $post = $posts[0]; // Hack. Set $post so that the_date() works.
            $desc = category_description();
            if (is_category()): ?>
             <h1 class="title archive-category"><?php echo single_cat_title(); ?></h1>
             <?php if($desc): ?><div class="category-description"><?php echo $desc; ?></div><?php endif; ?>
           <?php elseif(is_tag()): ?>
             <h1 class="title archive-tag"><?php printf( __('Posts tagged %s', 'mystique'), '<span class="altText">'.single_cat_title('', false).'</span>'); ?></h1>
           <?php elseif (is_day()): ?>
             <h1 class="title archive-day"><?php printf(__('Archive for %s', 'mystique'), '<span class="altText">'.get_the_time(get_option('date_format')).'</span>');  ?></h1>
           <?php elseif (is_month()): ?>
             <h1 class="title archive-month"><?php printf(__('Archive for %s', 'mystique'), '<span class="altText">'.get_the_time(__('F, Y','mystique')).'</span>');  ?></h1>
           <?php elseif (is_year()): ?>
             <h1 class="title archive-year"><?php printf(__('Archive for year %s', 'mystique'), '<span class="altText">'.get_the_time(__('Y','mystique')).'</span>');  ?></h1>
           <?php elseif (is_author()): ?>
             <h1 class="title archive-author"><?php _e('Author archive','mystique'); ?></h1>
           <?php elseif (isset($_GET['paged']) && !empty($_GET['paged'])): ?>
             <h1 class="title"><?php _e('Blog Archives','mystique'); ?></h1>
           <?php endif; ?>
           <div class="divider"></div>
            while (have_posts()):
             if (is_category()): ?> <h1 class="title"> <?php printf(__("Sorry, but there aren't any posts in the %s category yet.", "mystique"),single_cat_title('',false)); ?> </h1> <?php
             elseif (is_date()): ?> <h1 class="title"> <?php _e("Sorry, but there aren't any posts within this date."); ?> </h1> <?php
             elseif (is_author()):
              $userdata = get_userdatabylogin(get_query_var('author_name')); ?>
              <h1 class="title"> <?php printf(__("Sorry, but there aren't any posts by %s yet.", "mystique"),$userdata->display_name); ?> </h1> <?php
             else: ?> <h1 class="title"> <?php _e('No posts found.'); ?> </h1> <?php  endif;
           <?php do_action('mystique_after_primary'); ?>
        <!-- /primary content -->
        <?php get_sidebar(); ?>
      <!-- /main content -->
    <?php get_footer(); ?>

    I’m kind of new to all this, so thanks so much for your help!


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  • The mystique theme has an option Admin->Appearance->Mystique settings->Content->Post previews that has several options for the length to show for searches and archives.

    Thread Starter jamianne


    I tried that, but it changes the archive, search, *and* blog in general. I would like full posts on the blog, but excerpts in search results and archives.

    OK, it would be wise to make a child theme so future updates to mystique will not wipe out your changes.

    Then make a copy of the function mystique_post in mystique/lib/core.php, put it in your functions.php, and rename it my_post_excerpt. Change this section of code:

    <?php if($post_settings['post_content']): ?>
         <div class="post-content clear-block">
           if($post_settings['post_content_length'] == 'f'): the_content(__('More >','mystique'));
           elseif($post_settings['post_content_length'] == 'e'): the_excerpt();
             $word_count = $post_settings['post_content_length'];
             // save original post content to variable
             $content = get_the_content();
             // prevent tags strip | it's a bug in WordPress!
             $content = apply_filters('the_content', $content);
             $content = str_replace(']]>', ']]>', $content);
             // throw out trimmed: content to process, read more tag, post permalink, words length
             echo mystique_trim_the_content($content, __('More >','mystique'), get_permalink($post->ID), $word_count);
           endif; ?>
       <?php endif; ?>

    by changing these two lines from this:

    if($post_settings['post_content_length'] == 'f'): the_content(__('More >','mystique'));
           elseif($post_settings['post_content_length'] == 'e'): the_excerpt();

    to this:

    if(false && $post_settings['post_content_length'] == 'f'): the_content(__('More >','mystique'));
           elseif(true || $post_settings['post_content_length'] == 'e'): the_excerpt();

    Then change the call in your two templates from mystique_post to my_post_excerpt.

    there’s a easier way:
    go in the theme settings/advanced tab and paste this in the custom functions field:

    function my_post_filter($post_settings){
      if(!is_home()) $post_settings['post_content'] = 'e';
      return $post_settings;

    @digitalnature, thanks for the tip.

    Hey digitalnature I have one question. i dont want to use default post previews(mystique settings>>content>>>post previews). coz they hide the image link (eg: tinypic.com/abx.jpg) which i have in the start of every blog post. they only show text. WordPress default read more tag(<!–more–>) works fine but the problem is I have to add that tag manually in every post.
    I want it in a short way that all my posts could display image link as well as 1st 50 words in them. and i want to replace the ‘more’ link with an image link. i mean instead of displaying ‘more’ it should display ‘readmore.png’ and it should be in the center instead of on the left side.

    I hope you can understand and help me.. thanks alot in advance

    in short i want to allow <img> html tags in excerpt and in 50/100/200 words,filtered..

    thank you

    There’s a plugin out there that handles this problem and a number of other issues with excerpts very nicely:


    To customize the “Read More” after you’ve added the plugin and activated it, just go to Tools > Excerpt Editor > Auto-Generate and select the “Read More” button, then click on “Save Auto-Generate Options” – this will automatically allow you to have formatted excerpts.

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