control the number of registering new users
in case using add_filter( ‘um_registration_for_loggedin_users’, ‘__return_true’ );
to let the sign in user can add new users using UM registration form
is it possible to determined the number of new users that specific user role can add ?as example if the user has “editor” role then he can add only 20 user and if he tried to add more he will find message saying you are not allow to add more users
is that possible and how to do that?
best regards
Hi @makmerghen
You can try this code snippet:
// Add current logged-in user as a referer add_action( 'um_registration_complete', 'um_110821_user_referral' ,1 ); function um_110821_user_referral( $user_id ){ $referer_id = get_current_user_id(); update_user_meta( $user_id, "um_user_referral", $referer_id ); } // Validate registration limit add_action("um_submit_form_register","um_110821_validate_registration_limit"); function um_110821_validate_registration_limit( $post_form ){ if( isset( $post_form['user_email'] ) && ! empty( $post_form['user_email'] ) ){ $users = count( get_users( array( 'meta_key' => "um_user_referral", 'meta_value' => get_current_user_id(), "fields" => "ids" ) ) ); if( $users > 3 ){ UM()->form()->add_error('user_email', __( 'You are not allowed to add more users', 'ultimate-member' ) ); } } }
The above code will add a referer user id to the newly registered user. When the currently logged-in user has reached three user registrations, it will display an error “You are not allowed to add more users” in the Email address field of the form.
thank you for helping
but unfortunately I tested and I got the next result
yes user after adding the third user get not allowed message but at the same time when I went back to users page in backend I found that the 4th user has been createdso please advise regarding this issue how to stop this creation
best regards-
This reply was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by
Hi @makmerghen
Try changing it to
.if( $users > 2 ){ UM()->form()->add_error('user_email', __( 'You are not allowed to add more users', 'ultimate-member' ) ); }
actually that what I did in my first test I change 3 to be 2 to test it fast
but it gave me the previous result
regardsHi @makmerghen
Try changing the priority to 1.
add_action("um_submit_form_register","um_110821_validate_registration_limit", 1 );
I did that and it didn’t create the user
but when I tried to increase the limit of number of registration by change 2 in
if( $users > 2 ){
UM()->form()->add_error(‘user_email’, __( ‘You are not allowed to add more users’, ‘ultimate-member’ ) );
to be as example 10 I got errorarray ( 'message' => 'Cannot create a user with an empty login name.', 'dump' => array ( 'ID' => 50, 'display_name' => ' ', ), 'changes' => array ( 'form_id' => '944', 'custom_fields' => 'a:4:{s:10:"user_email";a:15:{s:6:"in_row";s:9:"_um_row_1";s:10:"in_sub_row";s:1:"0";s:9:"in_column";i:1;s:8:"in_group";s:0:"";s:4:"type";s:4:"text";s:7:"metakey";s:10:"user_email";s:8:"position";i:1;s:5:"title";s:14:"E-mail Address";s:9:"min_chars";i:0;s:10:"visibility";s:3:"all";s:5:"label";s:14:"E-mail Address";s:6:"public";s:1:"1";s:8:"validate";s:12:"unique_email";s:9:"max_chars";i:0;s:8:"editable";b:1;}s:10:"first_name";a:12:{s:5:"title";s:10:"First Name";s:7:"metakey";s:10:"first_name";s:4:"type";s:4:"text";s:5:"label";s:10:"First Name";s:8:"required";i:0;s:6:"public";i:1;s:8:"editable";i:1;s:8:"position";i:2;s:6:"in_row";s:9:"_um_row_1";s:10:"in_sub_row";s:1:"0";s:9:"in_column";i:2;s:8:"in_group";s:0:"";}s:9:"last_name";a:12:{s:5:"title";s:9:"Last Name";s:7:"metakey";s:9:"last_name";s:4:"type";s:4:"text";s:5:"label";s:9:"Last Name";s:8:"required";i:0;s:6:"public";i:1;s:8:"editable";i:1;s:8:"position";i:3;s:6:"in_row";s:9:"_um_row_1";s:10:"in_sub_row";s:1:"0";s:9:"in_column";i:2;s:8:"in_group";s:0:"";}s:9:"_um_row_1";a:5:{s:4:"type";s:3:"row";s:2:"id";s:9:"_um_row_1";s:8:"sub_rows";i:1;s:4:"cols";i:2;s:6:"origin";s:9:"_um_row_1";}}', 'mode' => 'register', 'core' => 'register', 'use_custom_settings' => '1', 'role' => 'customer', 'template' => 'register', 'max_width' => '600', 'icons' => 'label', 'primary_btn_word' => 'Register', 'secondary_btn' => '1', 'secondary_btn_word' => 'Login', 'use_gdpr' => '', 'use_gdpr_content_id' => '0', 'use_gdpr_toggle_show' => 'Show privacy policy', 'use_gdpr_toggle_hide' => 'Hide privacy policy', 'use_gdpr_agreement' => 'Please confirm that you agree to our privacy policy', 'use_gdpr_error_text' => 'Please confirm your acceptance of our privacy policy', 'g_recaptcha_status' => '1', 'use_terms_conditions' => '1', 'use_terms_conditions_content_id' => '1259', 'use_terms_conditions_toggle_show' => 'Show Terms', 'use_terms_conditions_toggle_hide' => 'Hide Terms', 'use_terms_conditions_agreement' => 'Checkbox agreement description', 'use_terms_conditions_error_text' => 'You must agree to our terms & conditions', 'show_social' => '1', 'show_social_2steps' => '1', '1step_link_matched_email' => '1', 'show_flash_screen' => '1', 'g_recaptcha_score' => '0', 'code' => '', 'csrf' => '', 'dig_nounce' => 'b7df63b26b', 'digit_ac_otp' => '', 'um_request' => '', '_wpnonce' => 'a0fd5f8eb5', '_wp_http_referer' => '/en/register/', 'user_email' => '[email protected]', 'first_name' => '', 'last_name' => '', 'submitted' => array ( 'code' => '', 'csrf' => '', 'dig_nounce' => 'b7df63b26b', 'digit_ac_otp' => '', 'form_id' => '944', 'um_request' => '', '_wpnonce' => 'a0fd5f8eb5', '_wp_http_referer' => '/en/register/', 'user_email' => '[email protected]', 'first_name' => '', 'last_name' => '', 'user_login' => '[email protected]', 'user_password' => 'TRWDaQTU', 'timestamp' => 1636476607, ), 'timestamp' => 1636476607, 'user_login' => '[email protected]', 'user_password' => 'TRWDaQTU', ), )
Hi @makmerghen
UM doesn’t have this text “Cannot create a user with an empty login name”. Does this text “You are not allowed to add more users” show in the User Email field when it reached the max registered users by a user?
Does this text “You are not allowed to add more users” show in the User Email field when it reached the max registered users by a user?
my question is
in the provided code you gave 2 numbers
add_action(“um_submit_form_register”,”um_110821_validate_registration_limit”, 1 );and
if( $users > 2 ){
UM()->form()->add_error(‘user_email’, __( ‘You are not allowed to add more users’, ‘ultimate-member’ ) );
}which one should I change to control the number of allowed registered users by one logged in user
regardsdear regarding your message
UM doesn’t have this text “Cannot create a user with an empty login name
since I am using plugin do integration with UM to add mobile number with otp and to create username from the field of mobile number
do you think this message related to this plugin
regardsalso I did the next I disabled the otp plugin and I used the snippets you gave but it didn’t worked it and I added unlimited users not 3 only
so please advise
this is the code I used// Add current logged-in user as a referer add_action( 'um_registration_complete', 'um_110821_user_referral' ,1 ); function um_110821_user_referral( $user_id ){ $referer_id = get_current_user_id(); update_user_meta( $user_id, "um_user_referral", $referer_id ); } // Validate registration limit add_action("um_submit_form_register","um_110821_validate_registration_limit", 1 ); function um_110821_validate_registration_limit( $post_form ){ if( isset( $post_form['user_email'] ) && ! empty( $post_form['user_email'] ) ){ $users = count( get_users( array( 'meta_key' => "um_user_referral", 'meta_value' => get_current_user_id(), "fields" => "ids" ) ) ); if( $users > 3 ){ UM()->form()->add_error('user_email', __( 'You are not allowed to add more users', 'ultimate-member' ) ); } } }
thank you dear for your message
you were right I was remove email field and after I add it again the issue was solvednow limitation is for all kind of users
can we make it more specific
as example
users who has membership30 role has 30 limits
users who has membership50 role has 50 limits
users who has membership100 role has 100 limits
users who has disabled_membership roles has 0 limits
and other roles has no limitbest regards
Hi @makmerghen
You can try the following:
add_action("um_submit_form_register","um_110821_validate_registration_limit", 1 ); function um_110821_validate_registration_limit( $post_form ){ if( isset( $post_form['user_email'] ) && ! empty( $post_form['user_email'] ) ){ $users = count( get_users( array( 'meta_key' => "um_user_referral", 'meta_value' => get_current_user_id(), "fields" => "ids" ) ) ); if( "membership30" = um_user("role") ){ if( $users > 30 ){ UM()->form()->add_error('user_email', __( 'You are not allowed to add more users', 'ultimate-member' ) ); } }elseif( "membership50" = um_user("role") ){ if( $users > 50 ){ UM()->form()->add_error('user_email', __( 'You are not allowed to add more users', 'ultimate-member' ) ); } }elseif( "membership100" = um_user("role") ){ if( $users > 100 ){ UM()->form()->add_error('user_email', __( 'You are not allowed to add more users', 'ultimate-member' ) ); } }elseif( "disabled_membership" = um_user("role") ){ UM()->form()->add_error('user_email', __( 'You are not allowed to add more users', 'ultimate-member' ) ); }else{ // no limit } } }
thanks a lot for the code but unfortunately I got error in line 23
this is the all code I used
// Add current logged-in user as a referer add_action( 'um_registration_complete', 'um_110821_user_referral' ,1 ); function um_110821_user_referral( $user_id ){ $referer_id = get_current_user_id(); update_user_meta( $user_id, "um_user_referral", $referer_id ); } // Validate registration limit add_action("um_submit_form_register","um_110821_validate_registration_limit", 1 ); function um_110821_validate_registration_limit( $post_form ){ if( isset( $post_form['user_email'] ) && ! empty( $post_form['user_email'] ) ){ $users = count( get_users( array( 'meta_key' => "um_user_referral", 'meta_value' => get_current_user_id(), "fields" => "ids" ) ) ); if( "membership30" = um_user("role") ){ if( $users > 30 ){ UM()->form()->add_error('user_email', __( 'You are not allowed to add more users', 'ultimate-member' ) ); } }elseif( "membership50" = um_user("role") ){ if( $users > 50 ){ UM()->form()->add_error('user_email', __( 'You are not allowed to add more users', 'ultimate-member' ) ); } }elseif( "membership100" = um_user("role") ){ if( $users > 100 ){ UM()->form()->add_error('user_email', __( 'You are not allowed to add more users', 'ultimate-member' ) ); } }elseif( "disabled_membership" = um_user("role") ){ UM()->form()->add_error('user_email', __( 'You are not allowed to add more users', 'ultimate-member' ) ); }else{ // no limit } } }
best regards
This reply was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by
- The topic ‘control the number of registering new users’ is closed to new replies.