Thank you for your response. I thought my problem was something easy, but apparently it’s more complex.
I was using ‘Redirection’ plugin, and I configure it to automatically track permalink change. My site permalink is /yyyy/mm/slug, and I configured the Revision plugin to automatically update post date on publication of revision. Thus, the permalink can change if the revision is published in different month.
Previously (about a year ago? I don’t remember the exact time frame), the revision publication would trigger the redirection plugin to add redirect for permalink change. But one day it stopped (and I don’t really know which changes in which plugin break this).
Apparently the Redirection plugin track pre_post_update
and post_updated
hook. But this plugin is triggering only save_post_%
hook. I am more incline to think that it’s Redirection plugin that break the previous behavior. Sigh.
Thank you for your prompt response.