• maesterkinoc


    each time i try installing livepress I get these errors on my post page where the LJ extras go

    LJ ExtrasCurrent Music: Current Mood:
    LJ Username:
    Warning: array_values(): The argument should be an array in /home/yunie/public_html/unspoken/wp-content/plugins/LivePress/LivePress/lpextras.php on line 128

    Warning: reset(): Passed variable is not an array or object in /home/yunie/public_html/unspoken/wp-content/plugins/LivePress/LivePress/lpextras.php on line 23
    User Pic: Security Level:
    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/yunie/public_html/unspoken/wp-content/plugins/LivePress/LivePress/lpextras.php on line 152

    Synch Journal: Journal to Post to:
    Warning: array_values(): The argument should be an array in /home/yunie/public_html/unspoken/wp-content/plugins/LivePress/LivePress/lpextras.php on line 175

    Warning: reset(): Passed variable is not an array or object in /home/yunie/public_html/unspoken/wp-content/plugins/LivePress/LivePress/lpextras.php on line 23
    LiveJournal Entry:

    I tried simply uploading the entire livepress folder and just activating 1 plugin and Ive also tried uploading the normal top level category where livepress is in the plugins/ folder while its extras are in plugins/livepress and though it doesnt show the errors there it wont post anything I try to do on my livejournal https://www.livejournal/users/maesterkinoc

    I am usingwordpress 1.5 and I just downloaded the recent version of livepress this morning Ive spent almost the entire day trying to make it work.

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  • You need to put the md5 hash of your password in ljsynch.config.php and edit ljsysnch.php to not hash the password.
    Grab https://blogs.pure-chaos.com/andrew/passwd.php.txt, change “YOURPASSHERE” to your LJ password, rename the file passwd.php an upload it to somewhere on your server. Then access that URL in your web browser. Copy and past the text from your browser to you ljsynch.config.php.
    In ljsynch.php, comment out the line
    $msg_array[‘hpassword’] = utf8_encode(md5($journals[$lj_meta[‘unt_lj_username’][‘value’]][‘password’]));

    and uncomment

    $msg_array[‘hpassword’] = utf8_encode($journals[$lj_meta[‘unt_lj_username’][‘value’]][‘password’]);

    (or change the original line. I don’t remember exactly what the original file says, as I’ve edited it.)

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