• I was delighted to try out roohit from within wp/settings and had one for my site. However, due to its restricted dimension, it was too wide and extrusion was unsightly. So, I deleted it from the site.

    The next day I received two alerts from my site visitors about a live link at the bottom of the page right under the footer as follows:

    My Highlights powered by RoohIt (for WordPress)

    This is not right and Roohit have no rights to install such without prior notification or have the courtesy to request for permission. It is also not appropriate for my site and a distraction to my visitors.

    As I am not using its services, the more roohit have no right to impose the link and without mutual consent.
    What do you name people or company who planted unsolicited or unwarranted stuffs on your website without your knowledge, not to mention that this happened after I have stopped using their free tool.

    I have sent repeated email messages to their support requesting them to “immediately remove” the illegal insertion. Todate, no response and no action from them. What’s the next cause of action to take to deal with such a company who uses such forceful methods to insert their links for free advertising without your consent? They may have their “tiny print” or usage condition to back up their action. The fact remains that once a site stopped using its free service, they should also responsible enough to “remove” their link promptly thereafter.

    All potential users of their services should take notice of this and it can happen to you too.

    Again, I tried their free service, it doesn’t work due to their own dimension restriction and have deleted and stopped using its free service or widget. Yet, they planted their link without prior notice or permission for their own publicity purposes. This is kind of hijacking sites for free advertising and piracy act, should not be condoned or tolerated.

    Bottom line – Remove It Immediately or face legal action. I have already submitted the report to our group’s head office for legal consultation. Should roohit refused/ignored our repeated request to remove the unauthorized link on our site, we shall take whatever actions that we deem appropriate.

    The affected site is: https://www.latestmoviepreview.com

    It’s a good service and roohit should market and promote its services ethically and not resorting to such backdoor tactics.
    I expect to see my site back to normal – without the said link anywhere on my site permanently.

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  • Thread Starter imhugo


    Let me add this…..

    If only they have responded promptly and confirmed to remove the link or provide detailed instruction on how to remove the link, I wouldn’t have to voice it here.

    Obviously, their support don’t think it’s urgent enough to warrant any attention or response. Arrogant or lack of professional courtesy?

    Moderator James Huff


    Well, first off there’s two questions you need to ask yourself.

    1. Did you install the plugin? Yes.

    2. Was it free? Yes.

    Several free plugins provide some sort of “service provided by” credit line, and it’s just considered a common courtesy for the blog author to leave the credit line in place.

    Now, I’m not defending them, because most plugins provide an option to easily remove the credit line, especially if you donate to the plugin author. I just want to make sure that you’re aware of the average state of things before you go off threatening legal action. If you use free services or free plugins, it’s just common courtesy to mention them somewhere, and some plugins make that decision for you.

    Now, you mentioned “deleting” the plugin. Did you deactivate it first? If you didn’t, the credit line may be lingering in the database somewhere. Just re-install the plugin and deactivate it normally before deleting it.

    If you did deactivate it normally, check to see if the line was inserted into any of your theme files. I’d start with your theme’s footer.php file.

    If deactivating the plugin didn’t remove the line, and you can’t find any reference in any of your theme files, then I agree that you should be very upset and demand to know how to remove the line ASAP.

    Thread Starter imhugo


    Thanks for your guidance macmanx.

    I appreciate and accept all your points. It was due to my lack of familiarity with Plugins and in fact WordPress itself, that I find it necessary to approach roohit for advice and assistance to help remove it.

    Their silence is the reason why I have to mention this incident openly here. They should have responded with their solution to help me delete the link or direct me to any available information on how to delete it.
    Silence in this case on their part, is not helpful at all.

    There is no “deactivate” button on their plugin page inside my wp/admin/settings/auto publish my highlights/

    It’s not in the plugins area as well.

    There’s no roohit code in the footer.php file.

    Again, I have requested them to assist and they failed to respond.
    Their link is not a credit line but clearly a publicity/free advertising, which should be taken off after site’s stopped using its free plugin/widget. The least they could do is to provide instruction on how to do this when approached and not keeping silent.

    I would be most grateful if you happens to know what alternative action I should take to delete the unwanted link permanently.

    thank you in advance

    Thread Starter imhugo


    the main issue is not the problem but it’s their no response that is the main problem leaving help seekers in a limbo, which reflect their lack of professional courtesy.

    They should be ready to back up their actions with readily available solution to undo what they have added onto their users’ websites, after users have terminated the usage and approached them for such.
    They failed in this respect.

    Thread Starter imhugo


    in fact, most of the free plugins do not intrude into users websites at all. They only have a donation button within the plugin page.

    The highlighter itself already has its built-in link to their site. The “Powered by…..” live link is really intrusive. Google adsense is another example in that they can do exactly what roohit has done, but they don’t. They have it within their ads box.

    The roohit’s live link placed beneath my site’s footer is deliberately designed to be highly visible with highlights itself and bigger font size than the usual. Very imposing and intrusive.

    Moderator James Huff


    If you can go to Settings/Auto publish my highlights, then the plugin is still active. Go to “Plugins” in the admin panel, and select “Deactivate” underneath the plugin’s name. If you don’t see “Deactivate” underneath the plugin’s name, check the box next to the plugin and select “Deactivate” from the pull-down menu.


    Thread Starter imhugo


    thank you macmanx,

    Our outsourced web developer for this site has stepped in to solve the problem and she has it fixed just now.

    The site is back to normal.

    In conclusion, this matter is now resolved and closed.

    On hindsight, I would certainly use their services again if roohit can be more discreet in putting their link inside their widget like most big names do and not putting anywhere else on user’s sites, then should be no issues at all. Their highligter is a useful tool but they can certainly improve on the flexibility of dimension selection especially for narrower sidebars.

    Once again, thank you macmanx for your attention and assistance.

    Best wishes!

    Moderator James Huff


    You’re welcome! I’m glad the issue was resolved.

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