Do i understand you correctly that you want something similar to masonry style thumbnails, using photo files rather than thumbnail files?
Yes. I would like to put several photos into wordpress page. In grid like style (table).
This is working:
[wppa_set name=”wppa_show_bread_pages” value=”no”]
[wppa_set name=”wppa_thumb_linktype” value=”lightbox”]
[wppa type=”thumbs” album=”6″]
But thumbnails are small, I would like them bigger. I noticed I could use half the size of photo, and fit two photos in a raw.
Since I need several photos, each from different album, why there is no option to specify just those photos, instead I need to go to Admin album, select that album, find that photo, add a tag to a photo, go to another album, find another photo, add a tag…
Getting photo numbers from gallery is easy.
You can specify albums, why not photos also?
[wppa_set name=”wppa_thumb_linktype” value=”none”] returns wordpress error page (not found). Shouldn’t this be not clickable at all?