Backup Error
[STEP] [2021-09-15 08:48:45] Looking for PHP CLI executable file.
[DOWNLOAD GENERATED] File downloaded on (server time): 2021-09-15 08:49:48
[DOWNLOAD GENERATED] Last update (seconds): 63 seconds ago
[DOWNLOAD GENERATED] Last update (date): 2021-09-15 08:48:45
Hi @mountmarula
Please disable PHP CLI as it may be broken on your server.
To do so visit “Other options” section and toggle this setting: this try to run the backup again ??
Let me know if that worked.
Thank you!Thank you so much. I have done so and it worked.
Just a question, what does it mean if your PHP CLI is broken and what can be the cause of this?Hi @mountmarula
It’s usually hosting issue, you don’t have to fix that, it won’t affect your site negatively unless some of your core plugins requires it in order to work.
Our plugin is prepared for both cases, and offers both solutions.
The PHP CLI is a bit more stable especially for restore and can backup much larger sites quicker.Your hosting provider could disable it on purpose as they may not want to you to use it. But it also can be a wrong detection due to executable name mishmash. Then you can specify working path in our plugin settings under “Other options” section.
Hope that helps ??
Let me know if you need any further help.Thank you @iclyde
I was able to start the back up but it gave me another error code half way thru.
[WARN] [2021-09-15 10:47:50] PHP CLI is disabled manually, plugin will omit all PHP CLI steps. [WARN] [2021-09-15 10:47:50] PHP CLI file cannot be executed due to unknown reason. [STEP] [2021-09-15 10:47:50] Initializing backup... [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:50] Backup & Migration version: 1.1.3 [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:50] Site which will be backed up: ***site_url*** [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:50] PHP Version: 7.2.34 [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:50] Web server: Apache [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:50] Max execution time (in seconds): 259200 [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:50] Checking if backup dir is writable... [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:50] Initializing custom error handler [SUCCESS] [2021-09-15 10:47:50] Yup it is writable... [STEP] [2021-09-15 10:47:50] Scanning files... [WARN] [2021-09-15 10:47:56] This file is quite big consider to exclude it, if backup fails: *****.zip.OINutu (148.49 MB) [WARN] [2021-09-15 10:47:56] This file is quite big consider to exclude it, if backup fails: *****.zip (214.12 MB) [STEP] [2021-09-15 10:47:56] Checking free space, reserving... [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:56] Requires at least 1214256210 bytes. [1.13 GB] [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:56] Disk free space function is not disabled - using... [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:56] Checking this path/partition: ***ABSPATH***/wp-content/***backup_path***/backups [SUCCESS] [2021-09-15 10:47:56] There is 74,025.07 MB free. [72.29 GB] [SUCCESS] [2021-09-15 10:47:56] Great! We have enough space. [SUCCESS] [2021-09-15 10:47:56] Confirmed, there is more than enough space, checked: 1214256210 bytes [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:56] Scanning done - found 16656 files... [SUCCESS] [2021-09-15 10:47:56] Backup initialized... [STEP] [2021-09-15 10:47:56] Initializing archiving system... [SUCCESS] [2021-09-15 10:47:56] Archive system initialized... [STEP] [2021-09-15 10:47:56] Preparing map of files... [SUCCESS] [2021-09-15 10:47:56] Files prepared. [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:56] Starting compression process... [STEP] [2021-09-15 10:47:56] Smart memory calculation... [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:56] There is 384 MBs of memory to use [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:56] WordPress memory limit: 256 MBs [SUCCESS] [2021-09-15 10:47:56] Setting the safe limit to 86 MB [STEP] [2021-09-15 10:47:56] Making database backup (using V2 engine, requires at least v1.1.0 to restore) [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:56] Iterating database... [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:56] Memory usage after initialization: 20.748794555664 MB [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:56] Scan found 62 tables (42047 rows), estimated total size: 27.9 MB. [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:56] Memory usage after getting table names: 20.776382446289 MB [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:56] Getting table recipes... [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:56] Table recipes have been exported. [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:56] Memory usage after loading recipes: 20.819465637207 MB [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:56] Saving recipes... [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:56] Recipes saved. [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:56] Memory usage after recipe off-load: 20.788581848145 MB [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:56] Exporting table data... [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:56] Getting data of table: wp_commentmeta (0.00 MB) [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:56] Table: wp_commentmeta cloned, operation took: 0.00029 ms [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:56] Getting data of table: wp_comments (0.00 MB) [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:56] Table: wp_comments cloned, operation took: 0.00023 ms [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:56] Getting data of table: wp_frm_fields (0.02 MB) [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:56] Table: wp_frm_fields cloned, operation took: 0.00127 ms [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:56] Getting data of table: wp_frm_forms (0.01 MB) [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:56] Table: wp_frm_forms cloned, operation took: 0.00060 ms [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:56] Getting data of table: wp_frm_item_metas (0.70 MB) [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:56] Table: wp_frm_item_metas cloned, operation took: 0.13711 ms [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:56] Getting data of table: wp_frm_items (0.25 MB) [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:56] Table: wp_frm_items cloned, operation took: 0.05910 ms [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:56] Getting data of table: wp_links (0.00 MB) [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:56] Table: wp_links cloned, operation took: 0.00034 ms [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:56] Getting data of table: wp_loginizer_logs (0.01 MB) [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:56] Table: wp_loginizer_logs cloned, operation took: 0.00080 ms [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:56] Getting data of table: wp_options (8.07 MB) [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:57] Table: wp_options cloned, operation took: 0.27300 ms [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:57] Getting data of table: wp_postmeta (0.86 MB) [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:57] Table: wp_postmeta cloned, operation took: 0.11000 ms [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:57] Getting data of table: wp_posts (4.78 MB) [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:57] Table: wp_posts cloned, operation took: 0.16241 ms [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:57] Getting data of table: wp_revslider_css (0.09 MB) [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:57] Table: wp_revslider_css cloned, operation took: 0.00680 ms [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:57] Getting data of table: wp_revslider_layer_animations (0.00 MB) [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:57] Table: wp_revslider_layer_animations cloned, operation took: 0.00025 ms [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:57] Getting data of table: wp_revslider_navigations (0.00 MB) [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:57] Table: wp_revslider_navigations cloned, operation took: 0.00022 ms [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:57] Getting data of table: wp_revslider_sliders (0.09 MB) [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:57] Table: wp_revslider_sliders cloned, operation took: 0.00186 ms [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:57] Getting data of table: wp_revslider_slides (0.10 MB) [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:57] Table: wp_revslider_slides cloned, operation took: 0.00201 ms [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:57] Getting data of table: wp_revslider_static_slides (0.00 MB) [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:57] Table: wp_revslider_static_slides cloned, operation took: 0.00024 ms [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:57] Getting data of table: wp_term_relationships (0.01 MB) [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:57] Table: wp_term_relationships cloned, operation took: 0.00081 ms [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:57] Getting data of table: wp_term_taxonomy (0.00 MB) [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:57] Table: wp_term_taxonomy cloned, operation took: 0.00095 ms [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:57] Getting data of table: wp_termmeta (0.00 MB) [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:57] Table: wp_termmeta cloned, operation took: 0.00024 ms [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:57] Getting data of table: wp_terms (0.01 MB) [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:57] Table: wp_terms cloned, operation took: 0.00092 ms [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:57] Getting data of table: wp_usermeta (0.03 MB) [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:57] Table: wp_usermeta cloned, operation took: 0.00299 ms [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:57] Getting data of table: wp_users (0.01 MB) [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:57] Table: wp_users cloned, operation took: 0.00085 ms [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:57] Getting data of table: wp_wfBlockedIPLog (0.08 MB) [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:57] Table: wp_wfBlockedIPLog cloned, operation took: 0.03019 ms [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:57] Getting data of table: wp_wfBlocks7 (0.11 MB) [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:57] Table: wp_wfBlocks7 cloned, operation took: 0.00659 ms [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:57] Getting data of table: wp_wfConfig (1.52 MB) [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:57] Table: wp_wfConfig cloned, operation took: 0.02085 ms [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:57] Getting data of table: wp_wfCrawlers (0.02 MB) [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:57] Table: wp_wfCrawlers cloned, operation took: 0.00168 ms [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:57] Getting data of table: wp_wfFileChanges (0.02 MB) [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:57] Table: wp_wfFileChanges cloned, operation took: 0.00024 ms [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:57] Getting data of table: wp_wfFileMods (3.52 MB) [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:58] Table: wp_wfFileMods cloned, operation took: 1.03357 ms [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:58] Getting data of table: wp_wfHits (1.25 MB) [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:58] Table: wp_wfHits cloned, operation took: 0.11505 ms [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:58] Getting data of table: wp_wfHoover (0.03 MB) [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:58] Table: wp_wfHoover cloned, operation took: 0.00026 ms [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:58] Getting data of table: wp_wfIssues (0.08 MB) [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:58] Table: wp_wfIssues cloned, operation took: 0.00101 ms [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:58] Getting data of table: wp_wfKnownFileList (1.52 MB) [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:58] Table: wp_wfKnownFileList cloned, operation took: 0.33246 ms [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:58] Getting data of table: wp_wfLiveTrafficHuman (0.03 MB) [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:58] Table: wp_wfLiveTrafficHuman cloned, operation took: 0.00086 ms [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:58] Getting data of table: wp_wfLocs (0.02 MB) [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:58] Table: wp_wfLocs cloned, operation took: 0.00025 ms [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:58] Getting data of table: wp_wfLogins (0.16 MB) [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:59] Table: wp_wfLogins cloned, operation took: 0.03110 ms [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:59] Getting data of table: wp_wfNotifications (0.02 MB) [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:59] Table: wp_wfNotifications cloned, operation took: 0.00182 ms [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:59] Getting data of table: wp_wfPendingIssues (0.08 MB) [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:59] Table: wp_wfPendingIssues cloned, operation took: 0.00035 ms [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:59] Getting data of table: wp_wfReverseCache (0.02 MB) [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:59] Table: wp_wfReverseCache cloned, operation took: 0.00084 ms [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:59] Getting data of table: wp_wfSNIPCache (0.06 MB) [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:59] Table: wp_wfSNIPCache cloned, operation took: 0.00030 ms [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:59] Getting data of table: wp_wfStatus (3.05 MB) [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:59] Table: wp_wfStatus cloned, operation took: 0.04165 ms [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:59] Getting data of table: wp_wfTrafficRates (0.02 MB) [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:59] Table: wp_wfTrafficRates cloned, operation took: 0.00024 ms [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:59] Getting data of table: wp_wfls_2fa_secrets (0.03 MB) [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:59] Table: wp_wfls_2fa_secrets cloned, operation took: 0.00024 ms [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:59] Getting data of table: wp_wfls_settings (0.02 MB) [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:59] Table: wp_wfls_settings cloned, operation took: 0.00109 ms [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:59] Getting data of table: wp_yoast_indexable (0.23 MB) [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:59] Table: wp_yoast_indexable cloned, operation took: 0.04473 ms [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:59] Getting data of table: wp_yoast_indexable_hierarchy (0.06 MB) [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:59] Table: wp_yoast_indexable_hierarchy cloned, operation took: 0.00162 ms [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:59] Getting data of table: wp_yoast_migrations (0.03 MB) [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:59] Table: wp_yoast_migrations cloned, operation took: 0.00066 ms [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:59] Getting data of table: wp_yoast_primary_term (0.05 MB) [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:59] Table: wp_yoast_primary_term cloned, operation took: 0.00060 ms [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:59] Getting data of table: wp_yoast_seo_links (0.05 MB) [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:59] Table: wp_yoast_seo_links cloned, operation took: 0.00320 ms [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:59] Getting data of table: wpd7_commentmeta (0.05 MB) [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:59] Table: wpd7_commentmeta cloned, operation took: 0.00024 ms [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:59] Getting data of table: wpd7_comments (0.09 MB) [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:59] Table: wpd7_comments cloned, operation took: 0.00062 ms [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:59] Getting data of table: wpd7_links (0.03 MB) [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:59] Table: wpd7_links cloned, operation took: 0.00024 ms [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:59] Getting data of table: wpd7_loginizer_logs (0.00 MB) [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:59] Table: wpd7_loginizer_logs cloned, operation took: 0.00025 ms [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:59] Getting data of table: wpd7_options (0.19 MB) [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:59] Table: wpd7_options cloned, operation took: 0.00564 ms [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:59] Getting data of table: wpd7_postmeta (0.05 MB) [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:59] Table: wpd7_postmeta cloned, operation took: 0.00072 ms [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:59] Getting data of table: wpd7_posts (0.08 MB) [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:59] Table: wpd7_posts cloned, operation took: 0.00099 ms [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:59] Getting data of table: wpd7_term_relationships (0.03 MB) [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:59] Table: wpd7_term_relationships cloned, operation took: 0.00054 ms [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:59] Getting data of table: wpd7_term_taxonomy (0.05 MB) [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:59] Table: wpd7_term_taxonomy cloned, operation took: 0.00060 ms [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:59] Getting data of table: wpd7_termmeta (0.05 MB) [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:59] Table: wpd7_termmeta cloned, operation took: 0.00024 ms [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:59] Getting data of table: wpd7_terms (0.05 MB) [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:59] Table: wpd7_terms cloned, operation took: 0.00059 ms [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:59] Getting data of table: wpd7_usermeta (0.05 MB) [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:59] Table: wpd7_usermeta cloned, operation took: 0.00089 ms [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:59] Getting data of table: wpd7_users (0.06 MB) [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:59] Table: wpd7_users cloned, operation took: 0.00069 ms [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:59] Table data exported. [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:59] Memory usage after data export: 20.771102905273 MB [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:59] Entire process took: 2.4990 s [SUCCESS] [2021-09-15 10:47:59] Database backup finished [STEP] [2021-09-15 10:47:59] Making archive [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:59] Compressing... [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:59] Using PclZip module to create the backup [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:59] Legacy setting: Using default modules depending on user server [WARN] [2021-09-15 10:47:59] Backup will run as single-request, may be unstable... [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:47:59] Chunks contain 2000 files. [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:48:01] Milestone: 2000/16656 [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:48:03] Milestone: 4000/16656 [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:48:05] Milestone: 6000/16656 [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:48:08] Milestone: 8000/16656 [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:48:10] Milestone: 10000/16656 [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:48:13] Milestone: 12000/16656 [INFO] [2021-09-15 10:48:53] Milestone: 14000/16656 [ERROR] [2021-09-15 10:48:53] Issues during backup (packing)... [ERROR] [2021-09-15 10:48:53] PCLZIP_ERR_BAD_FORMAT (-10) : Unable to find End of Central Dir Record signature [ERROR] [2021-09-15 10:48:53] Something went wrong (pclzip) – removing backup files... [STEP] [2021-09-15 10:48:53] Aborting backup... [DOWNLOAD GENERATED] File downloaded on (server time): 2021-09-15 10:48:53 [DOWNLOAD GENERATED] Last update (seconds): 0 seconds ago [DOWNLOAD GENERATED] Last update (date): 2021-09-15 10:48:53
Hi @mountmarula
Please follow the settings in the first section:
Once you save it please open “Other options” section and find this setting: the section separately, once you do that the backup should go smoothly ??
Let me know if that worked ??
Thank youi want to restor back up .
my ereo was:[STEP] [2021-09-15 15:12:22] Initializing restore process [STEP] [2021-09-15 15:12:25] Looking for PHP CLI executable file. [WARN] [2021-09-15 15:12:25] PHP CLI is disabled in your php.ini file, the process may be unstable. [SUCCESS] [2021-09-15 15:12:25] Restore process responded [SUCCESS] [2021-09-15 15:12:25] Locking migration process [STEP] [2021-09-15 15:12:25] Initializing restore process [INFO] [2021-09-15 15:12:25] Backup & Migration version: 1.1.5 [INFO] [2021-09-15 15:12:25] Initializing custom error handler [INFO] [2021-09-15 15:12:25] Site which will be restored: ***site_url*** [INFO] [2021-09-15 15:12:25] PHP Version: 7.4.8 [INFO] [2021-09-15 15:12:25] Web server: Apache [INFO] [2021-09-15 15:12:25] Max execution time (in seconds): 60 [SUCCESS] [2021-09-15 15:12:25] Restore process initialized successfully. [STEP] [2021-09-15 15:12:25] Free space checking... [INFO] [2021-09-15 15:12:25] Checking if there is enough amount of free space [STEP] [2021-09-15 15:12:25] Making new secret key for current restore process. [SUCCESS] [2021-09-15 15:12:25] Secret key generated, it will be returned to you (ping). [INFO] [2021-09-15 15:12:26] Secret key detected successfully (pong)! [INFO] [2021-09-15 15:12:26] Making temporary directory [STEP] [2021-09-15 15:12:26] Scanning archive... [INFO] [2021-09-15 15:12:27] Scan found 62 files inside the backup. [STEP] [2021-09-15 15:12:28] Preparing batching technique for extraction... [INFO] [2021-09-15 15:12:28] Files exported per batch: 150 [INFO] [2021-09-15 15:12:28] Using ZipArchive, omiting memory limit calculations... [INFO] [2021-09-15 15:12:36] Extraction milestone: 63/63 (100.00%) [SUCCESS] [2021-09-15 15:12:36] Files extracted... [STEP] [2021-09-15 15:12:36] Saving wp-config file... [SUCCESS] [2021-09-15 15:12:36] File wp-config saved [STEP] [2021-09-15 15:12:37] Getting backup manifest... [SUCCESS] [2021-09-15 15:12:37] Manifest loaded [STEP] [2021-09-15 15:12:37] Restoring files (this process may take a while)... [SUCCESS] [2021-09-15 15:12:37] All files restored successfully. [INFO] [2021-09-15 15:12:39] Splitting process is disabled in the settings, omitting. [STEP] [2021-09-15 15:12:40] Checking the database structure... [INFO] [2021-09-15 15:12:40] Successfully detected backup created with V2 engine, importing... [STEP] [2021-09-15 15:12:40] Restoring database... [INFO] [2021-09-15 15:12:40] Initializing database import V2 enginge... [SUCCESS] [2021-09-15 15:12:40] Initialized successfully, memory usage: 37.70 MB [INFO] [2021-09-15 15:12:40] Loading file list... [SUCCESS] [2021-09-15 15:12:40] File list loaded, memory usage: 37.71 MB [INFO] [2021-09-15 15:12:40] Finished 5/455 (1.10%) for wp_actionscheduler_actions.sql table (part: 1/1) [INFO] [2021-09-15 15:12:43] Finished 10/455 (2.20%) for wp_actionscheduler_claims.sql table (part: 1/1) [INFO] [2021-09-15 15:12:44] Finished 15/455 (3.30%) for wp_actionscheduler_groups.sql table (part: 1/1) [INFO] [2021-09-15 15:12:47] Finished 20/455 (4.40%) for wp_actionscheduler_logs.sql table (part: 1/1) [INFO] [2021-09-15 15:12:49] Finished 25/455 (5.49%) for wp_commentmeta.sql table (part: 1/1) [INFO] [2021-09-15 15:12:51] Finished 30/455 (6.59%) for wp_comments.sql table (part: 1/1) [INFO] [2021-09-15 15:12:53] Finished 35/455 (7.69%) for wp_duplicator_packages.sql table (part: 1/1) [INFO] [2021-09-15 15:12:55] Finished 40/455 (8.79%) for wp_links.sql table (part: 1/1) [INFO] [2021-09-15 15:12:56] Finished 45/455 (9.89%) for wp_options.sql table (part: 1/1) [INFO] [2021-09-15 15:12:59] Finished 50/455 (10.99%) for wp_options.sql table (part: 1/1) [INFO] [2021-09-15 15:13:01] Finished 55/455 (12.09%) for wp_postmeta.sql table (part: 1/1) [INFO] [2021-09-15 15:13:41] Finished 60/455 (13.19%) for wp_postmeta.sql table (part: 1/1) [INFO] [2021-09-15 15:13:42] Finished 65/455 (14.29%) for wp_posts.sql table (part: 1/1) [ERROR] [2021-09-15 15:13:56] Something bad happened... [ERROR] [2021-09-15 15:13:56] mysqli::query(): send of 32768 bytes failed with errno=32 Broken pipe [ERROR] [2021-09-15 15:13:56] 705 @ ***ABSPATH***/wp-content/plugins/backup-backup/includes/database/better-restore.php [INFO] [2021-09-15 15:13:56] Removing 56 files [ERROR] [2021-09-15 15:13:56] Aborting... [INFO] [2021-09-15 15:13:56] Unlocking migration [DOWNLOAD GENERATED] File downloaded on (server time): 2021-09-15 15:13:59 [DOWNLOAD GENERATED] Last update (seconds): 17 seconds ago [DOWNLOAD GENERATED] Last update (date): 2021-09-15 15:13:42
- The topic ‘Backup Error’ is closed to new replies.