• Resolved KC


    To the author of?OpenSheetMusicDisplay WordPress plugin:


    I have been working on a WordPress website which is owned by one of my clients, the website is a hub for sacred music.??

    I have installed your plugin in a test page(A), and I soon discovered that the demo MusicXML/XML file/URL in the shortcode provided in your www.remarpro.com page(B) is invalid, I then managed to find another MusicXML/XML with similar file name from your Github page but the MusicXML/XML file/URL shows only sheet music in the test page and I can not play music like your WordPress demo(C) does.? I tried to find some other?MusicXML/XML samples online(D) and tried to upload them to the WordPress website, but I got an error message like ‘This does not appear to be a WXR file, missing/invalid WXR version number’.

    Anyway, I am having difficulty to find a good MusicXML/XML file to upload to the mentioned WordPress site, I wonder if you can help me by providing a good MusicXML/XML file which I can upload it to the mentioned WordPress site and the file will work with your plugin and show a sheet music/musical score and play music online like your demo does?

    (A):Sheet Music/Music Notation/Music Score plugins Trial Use – 輔大聖樂 |?

    (B):Your MusicXML/XML files in Github

    (C):Your WordPress Demo


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  • Thread Starter KC


    Hi there,

    I just sent the link of this thread to your email([email protected]) with hoping that you could receive the message sooner. And I am adding some more information for your reference here.

    I had tried to downloaded some XML file from a public music library(A), and while I uploaded it to the mentioned wordPress website, I still got the same error message as below:

    ‘This does not appear to be a WXR file, missing/invalid WXR version number’

    So, I had tried to downloaded and uploaded musical XML files from 3 different sources and all got the same error message, I wonder what this could mean? Looking forward to hearing from you soon.


    Thread Starter KC


    Hi there,

    Some update news, while I tried a workaround(A) to upload an example XML file, the workaround succeeded the uploading process, and then, when I checked the result of the upload, I discovered that there are results(B) of uploads which I thought the uploading are failure, but, they all been uploaded as txt files. With all due respect, the introduction of this plugin stated ‘It enables uploading of .xml, .musicxml and .mxl files to your WordPress Media Library…’, but it does not seem to be so as far as I can see. Please advise.

    How to import wordpress xml file and how to fix XML to WXR issue – YouTube | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mrzo4W09_jM

    Screenshot for upload result:

    View post on imgur.com

    Plugin Author OSMD


    Hi there,

    Thanks for contacting us and sending the e-mail follow-up.

    I. Rendering Issues on the example page

    This file is not a musicxml file:

    (It appears to contain metadata about music albums, but I am not sure what the format is.)

    This file: https://opensheetmusicdisplay.github.io/demo/sheets/Beethoven_AnDieFerneGeliebte.xml

    Appears to render correctly.

    II. WordPress Demo Mistake
    This is our fault; We relaunched the updated website recently and accidentally included premium plugin features on our free plugin page.

    Very sorry for this mistake.

    We have just corrected this.

    The free plugin does not have playback or transposition. We mentioned this in the FAQ section here.

    We have not yet released the premium plugin but hope to soon.

    III. WXR Upload Issue

    WXR is the format that WordPress uses to import and export site content. It seems that your WordPress site is not recognizing the xml files as musicXML but as the WXR format, and trying to import them as that, failing as a result.

    We will begin investigating this now.

    We hope you can help us with some more information to debug this:
    1. Can you provide a list of other plugins you have installed and activated?
    2. What WordPress version are you using?

    Also, can you test any of these xml files by changing the extension from ‘.xml’ to ‘.musicxml’ and let us know if you are able to upload them successfully?


    Plugin Author OSMD


    One more reply I forgot to include:

    Thank you for letting us know about the shortcode example.
    This URL was supposed to be a ‘placeholder’ example and not an actual file, but we did not make this clear. We will update the readme soon to correct this.

    Plugin Author OSMD


    Also to verify, you should upload the xml, musicxml or mxl file via the Media Library not via Tools -> Import, e.g.:

    View post on imgur.com

    Thread Starter KC



    Media Upload Suggestion:
    I am glad to receive your reply and your suggestion about media being the upload location is greatly helpful, I tried and succeeded at uploading and had the example XML(I temporarily used your example, hope that is fine) successfully rendered in the frontend/test page. Thanks for that.

    Premium with Playback:
    For the playback function as you mentioned, I checked the FAQ page about the Premium version of the plugin, it seems to me that there is no exact deadline for the release date of the premium version, so users can not manage to install the premium version with playback, am I right? If so, is there any other WordPress plugin that you know which will provide the function to render a music sheet with playing-music function as the same as your demo?

    Plugin List
    Since the upload issue had resolved, I wonder if you still need the plugin list and WordPress version, let me know if you need it. I will then send an email with the plugin list and WordPress version as you requested to your email later.



    • This reply was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by KC.
    Plugin Author OSMD


    It is definitely fine to use the example files we provide – That’s what they are there for! testing it out.

    The premium plugin will be released within a week- I will update you when it becomes available.

    I’m not aware of other WordPress plugins that offer the same functionality currently.

    Thread Starter KC



    Thanks for the update. Looking forward to hear from your update about the release of the premium plugin.

    Thread Starter KC



    Could you shed some light about the cost of to-be premium version of the plugin?

    Plugin Author OSMD


    We just finalized this pricing:

    This is the monthly pricing, with the number of domains allowed:

    1: €15.00
    5: €25.00
    25: €90.00

    This gives a yearly cost of:
    1: €180.00
    5: €300.00
    25: €1,080.00

    Subscribing at the yearly rate gives a 20% savings- This is the yearly pricing:
    1: €144.00
    5: €240.00
    25: €864.00

    These do not include tax, which will depend on the location of the subscriber.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by OSMD.
    Thread Starter KC


    Noted, I will pass on the information to my client when they ask. Thanks.

    Plugin Author OSMD


    We have launched the premium plugin, it is available here:

    Closing this issue for now.

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