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  • Thread Starter elvenbook


    I also can’t access my admin, and the blog itself is weird :-/
    quite desesperating ??



    You may have to edit the URLs for your site manually in the database. will help you through that.

    Thread Starter elvenbook


    wow thanks you very much !!!!!
    I can acces my admin now, but I’ve got (new) problems -(
    there’s the same kind of link when I click on any links (post, comments and so on…)

    this is the URL when I want to view a comment :

    the URL for a post :

    additionnaly, I have problem viewing and posting comments (see this thread :

    thanks a million for your precious help ! ??

    Thread Starter elvenbook


    I’m still trying to get the things right, but I’ve found no solution for these strange URL ??
    I’m lost ‘-(



    Do you have https:// at the beginning of the Site URL and WP url in Options?

    Thread Starter elvenbook


    this what I have (by editing it via phpadmin, to restore the right configuration, as NuclearMoose said) :

    WP url :

    Site url :

    I can access my admin now, but categories and other links (comments …) are still messed up, for some reason I can’t find :-((



    put https:// in front of your site url, too

    Thread Starter elvenbook


    I did what you said, and categories links work fine, but…comments don’t appear ??

    here is the link I’ve got :

    I’ve seen many members have the same issue with comment (view or post)




    At least the URL problem is now solved, I hope.

    Do you have <?php comments_template(); ?> somewhere? Check single.php (Post template) if you have that, or the very end of the loop in index.php.

    I have it right after the closing tag for the post div, right before “endwhile” — in single.php

    Thread Starter elvenbook


    yes I’ve got it in my index.php, at line 60, near the top of the file, but have no single.php.



    Single.php is not necessary. It’s just used to spice things up, or actually make index.php a little simpler ??

    Just one last check, is there anything inside the brackets of that tag I mentioned? If not (as there shouldn’t be), I’m out of ideas. If people are having the same problem around the forums, hopefully one of the threads will bring an answer

    Nick Momrik


    Do you have a comments.php file in your theme folder?



    Heheh… doh! ??

    Thread Starter elvenbook



    yes, I’ve all needed files in the theme folder ??

    this line : <?php comments_template(); ?>
    is exactly what I have.

    Thread Starter elvenbook


    well, as I said in another thread, I think the solutio is to replace your comments.php by the defaulkt one.

    Now everything is working fine, if you are a registered member, you won’t be asked to enter your name or email or url, just a “leave a reply” box.
    If you are a guest, you will have to give your name, url and email (according your admin configuration)

    The only thing that doesn’t seem to work, is that there is no confirmation after validating the comment.
    we send the comment, but we don’thave any confirmation that the submission worked or not.

    I hope this helps !

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