There can be always compatibility issues with various themes and plugins, it does not necessary mean that you can not track Google Ads conversions with GTM4WP in general.
Please open a new thread for each case as even if you see a similar issue, the resolution is not always the same. For example in GTM4WP there are multiple protections to prevent the same order being tracked more than once. But this can sometimes break the first visible tracking point if plugins behave differently. If there is no such protection in other plugins, you might get the feeling that it is working there and not working here. But that is just one example.
If you found another plugin that works for you, I am more than happy with that and I am also trying to learn from those other plugins as they could work differently.
In order to be able to check what happens on your site, I always need a way to place a test order without the need to use my bank card. This can be done by posting a coupon code, allowing payment methods like direct bank transfer or cash on delivery or posting the URL to a test/dev version of the site.
What you shouldn’t do is to post passwords and other credentials as this will be against WP.org rules and I also to not want get such sensitive information to protect everybody.