Dear Mirko, Can you help with this..?
Product gallery thumbnails out of focus
RE ~
See image ~
WordPress v 5.5 | WooCommerce v 5.6.0 | Intuition Pro v 2.3.1
I downloaded Regenerate Thumbnails plugin which made no difference?
The three images are 2000 px by 2000 px
Customising > WooCommerce > Product Images:
Main images width > 600px
Thumbnail width > 300 (1:1)
Strange thing is it works fine on another of my sites with same theme and WooCommerce
I added this to functions.php to solve a mobile problem but that makes no difference to focus
add_action( ‘after_setup_theme’, ‘yourtheme_setup’ );
function yourtheme_setup() {
add_theme_support( ‘wc-product-gallery-zoom’ );
add_theme_support( ‘wc-product-gallery-lightbox’ );
add_theme_support( ‘wc-product-gallery-slider’ );
Bravehound is hosted by LCN and Heritagecountrypottery by 123Reg is the only difference I can see`