Hello @wzshop,
You can create such a map using GEO my WP forms builder then place it on any page using a shortcode.
Use the following steps:
- Navigate to Dashboard -> GEO my WP -> Forms.
- Create a new Posts Locator form ( at the button at the top of the page ).
- In the form editor under the “Page Load Results” tab do the following:
- check the “Enable Page Load features” checkbox.
- uncheck the “Display list of results” checkbox.
- Set “Display map” dropdown to “using shortcode”.
- In the “Per page” text box enter a high value, such as 99999, to show all posts.
- Navigate to the “Search Form” tab and set the “Search Form Template” dropdown to “disable search form”.
- Save your form
When you are done, on the page where you want to display the map add the shortcode: [gmw map=”form ID”] ( replace “form ID” with the actual ID of the form ).
I hope this helps.
Let me know if you have any questions.