@impactfulmedia I had to dig into the code to remember what I was thinking;) . I put it in there twice because I figured some people like tabs, others really hate the Woo Tabs.
I commented out the “book Now” tab on your install. So, with that said, if you want it back again,
– src/public/woo-single-product-booking-display.php
– line 85 should be uncommented out to show that book now tab again.
– I did that for you within the plugin editor for this install.
If you are going to leave it with that tab hidden, then you definitely want to add a little padding or margin above that product calendar on the single product page in desktop view. I did that for you within the customizer really quick…you are gonna want to sure up that css to make sure it is working for you the way you want and not affecting mobile and tablet in an unexpected way.
Listen, I’ve started offering the CBB Pro as a SAAS only so I can do the other things that fisherman and captains really need to manage business like sms magic login links and other features which have a variable cost to me.
Here is an example of a recently launched CBB Pro site using the CBB Pro partner theme Kinnakeet Yacht Club (KYC). I built this theme built for blocks and goes together really quick with CBB Pro. Honestly, we highly recommend that and it comes with CBB Pro for no additional cost. We maintain the theme and the plugin both, and I use them everyday for our local sailing club and charter business here on Hatteras.
This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by
Meg Phillips.