• my website https://www.retinasouthflorida.com

    When I posted under the home page ‘under construction’, it displays the date of the post and that the administrator posted it.. Is there anyway to disable the date and time function of my posts as well as the author?

    Also, I would love to delete the ‘leave a comment’ under the post.


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  • You can remove line 8 from wp-content/themes/titan/single.php .
    That will remove date & author display from all articles.

    Thread Starter kmclafferty


    Hmmm. I deleted the following line:

    <div class=”author”><?php printf(__ (‘by %s on’, ‘titan’), get_the_author())?> <?php the_time(__ (‘F jS, Y’, ‘titan’)) ?></div>

    but it did nothing. Was that right?

    Remember to press CTRL and F5 simultaneously when viewing an updated page/site. Or try emptying your browser cache. This should ensure that your web browser fetches a fresh copy of the page rather than serving up an out-dated copy from your own cache.

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