Custom post types & taxonomies
Hi, I need some help with WP3.0
I’m trying to take advantage of WP3.0’s new custom post types & taxonomies to create a food menu.
So I have created the custom post type & the taxonomies I will need.
In its basic form, there is a custom post type of “Dishes”, which has a title, some text & a couple of taxonomies “Price” & “Dish Type”.From this, I can give the Dish a name a price & say if it is a main course or a starter etc.
So far so good.
But the trouble I’m having is finding any documentaion on how I can get that date to be shown on a template.
I have got this far…
<ul> <?php global $wp_query; $wp_query = new WP_Query("post_type=dishes&post_status=publish"); while ($wp_query->have_posts()) : $wp_query->the_post(); ?> <li><a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>" rel="bookmark"><?php the_title(); ?></a></li> <?php endwhile; ?> </ul>
This will list out the custom post, but I need more control of the dishes it lists. I need to list our first the starters, then the mains and so on.
Also how do I go to the next step of having it also list the prices along with the titles?
After that what changes do you need to make in order to get a single custom post to be displayed??
Can anyone help?
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