Hello there,
You can do this using a bit of code. Go to Appearance –> Customize –> Additional CSS and add this code :
Normally, you will have to import it from google fonts like in the next example, but I don’t think those fonts are available:
@import url(‘https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Padauk&display=swap’);
That’s why you will have to manually download and import the .ttf file using FTP. You can read more about this here: https://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-themes/how-to-add-custom-fonts-in-wordpress/. What interest you in this case is the “Adding Custom Fonts in WordPress Using CSS3 @font-face” section.
Following that example, you will do something like this.
@font-face {
font-family: CloudYuanZhunGBK;
src: url(https://www.examplesite.com/files/wp-content/themes/fonts/CloudYuanZhunGBK.TTF);
font-weight: normal;
Now you will have access to the font using the name CloudYuanZhunGBK.
To add the font only on a translated version, you need to add it like this:
.translatepress-zh_MY {
Notice how I used the zh_MY code, you can replace that for any language you want.
By targeting the title or paragraph with CSS elements, you can also assign the font only for titles or paragraph.
For paragraph it is something like this:
.translatepress-zh_MY p {
For title I’m not sure, but you will have to either target the h1/h2/h3 element (depending on what you use for the title) or you can add (or already have a class assigned for it).
Here are two example:
.translatepress-zh_MY h2 {
.translatepress-zh_MY .title-class {
Best regards,