Hi @alicearose, I’m happy to provide you with instructions on how to get back into your site. Follow these steps:
- Please use FTP/SFTP — or any file manager your web host provides via their administration panel.
- Look inside the /wp-content/plugins/ directory and rename the wordfence directory to wordfence.bak.
- Once you have logged in to your WordPress admin you can name the folder back to wordfence again.
- Refresh your dashboard and you should be able to see Wordfence Active again. If not, go to the Plugins page and Activate it.
Once Wordfence is reactivated you can check your 2FA settings or run some tests to see why the block may have been triggering immediately. You can use the above method whenever this happens to you.
If you are not receiving emails, the unlock emails actually come from your website and not our servers. If you aren’t getting emails then you might want to check:
- The emails (they come from [email protected]) are getting sent to your junk mail folder by your email client or provider. Make sure and whitelist or add your website to the list of safe domains so you get emails consistently.
- Your web server is having a problem with the email software on it. This isn’t like regular emails you send and receive, but rather server alert messages. Usually, a restart of postfix or sendmail (whichever is installed) can fix it. Your hosting provider may need to help with this.
- Your hosting provider has disabled SMTP from the server for some reason like preventing the server from being used to spam people.
- You have a third party plugin for sending emails with another service, like Gmail, which isn’t working. Reaching out to the plugin author for support can help.