• Hello all!

    I have a very urgent issue…I hope somebody can help.

    We set up a blog – https://www.choose-community.com – and simply used the default WP template and changes the CSS colors and background imagery…everything is ‘out of the box’

    We’re noticing some very quirky things happening:

    1) Some links aren’t working – example would be when you click a post and see the ‘rss’ and ‘leave a response’ links in the smaller text beneath the article. Some posts it works and others it does…huh?

    2) The form fields to leave a response to a post doesn’t allow you to click the input box to enter anything!

    3) If you look at the home page, all post headers link to the post EXCEPT the 2nd one! This was entered the same way as the others.

    We’re VERY concerned in that there shouldn’t be anything to fix as nothing was modified in the actual WP code. We’re stumped and sure hope somebody has a clue as to what could be happening.

    Thanks SO much for any help!


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  • this code, which is not part of the actual WP code, is sitting ‘above’ part of the content, and obscuring some of the buttons.

    <div style="left: 33px; position: relative;"><a href="https://www.enterprisebanking.com/mobilebanking.php" target="_blank"><img src="wp-content/themes/ChooseCommunity/ChooseCommunity/images/banner-mobilebanking.png" alt="Enterprise Bank Mobile Banking" border="0"></a><br /><br />
    <img src="wp-content/themes/ChooseCommunity/ChooseCommunity/images/sm.gif" usemap="#Map" border="0">
    <map name="Map" id="Map"><area shape="rect" coords="36,10,90,70" href="https://choose-community.com/?feed=rss2" alt="RSS Feed">
    <area shape="rect" coords="91,10,145,71" href="https://twitter.com/choosecommunity" target="_blank" alt="Follow Us on Twitter">
    <area shape="rect" coords="146,10,202,71" href="https://www.facebook.com/pages/Lowell-MA/Enterprise-Bank/108612762494502" target="_blank" alt="Join Us on Facebook">
    </map><br /><br />
    <img src="wp-content/themes/ChooseCommunity/ChooseCommunity/images/cc-logo.png" alt="Enterprise Bank Choose Community" width="1" border="0" height="1">

    if you remove this code from where it is now, and add it to the end of sidebar.php, before the closing div, and change the relative left position to -17px, it should work; not tested in IE.

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