• I had a lot of troubles with migrating my sites before. Often crashes and so on.
    I do not use hosting at Bluehost, Siteground, Hostgator, GoDaddy, WPEngine, Flywheel… so I used migration via FTP which is much slower. The amount of data migraten in my last site was about 170 MB. I had to wait a while, actually about one hour, but on the end, my site was migrated with 100% functionality and 100% design dulicstion of my source site!! Great!
    One hour is not so super fast, but when you get to acount that I spent days with previous non-fuctional attempts to migrate, I can truly confirm that to migrate using Migrate Guru is “The fastest way to migrade WordPress site”.
    You need only to put down all needed information to the form and then press START MIGRATION and thats it.

    Peter Juriga

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