• based on this question:

    On the site I have there are different side menus on different pages. Does anyone know a way or tutorial that will show me how I can dynamically generate this without having to create separate pages templates for each section. So for example, if you in the ‘About’ section there would be a side menu that would have…
    > Request more info
    and so on but the ‘Events’ section would have…
    >Local events
    >Local restaurants
    and so on
    Any suggestions?

    esmi gave this code in another thread

    <?php if( is_page(‘About’ ) ) get_sidebar(‘two’);
    elseif( is_page(‘Contact’ ) ) get_sidebar(‘three’);
    else get_sidebar();?>

    which will work for my purposes.
    Thanks esmi – that gets me going in the right direction. I’ve created 7 sidebars (one for each category) Should I populate each category with the sub page links manually or is there a way that WP can do it. So if someone is on the ‘about’ page the subpages list on the sidebar. Here’s an example of what I’m trying to do( with a lot of help) sidebar example You’ll see that as you select a parent page ‘accomodations’ the sub pages populate the sidebar

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  • The general method I outlined previously should still work here too. Just swap is_page() for is_catgeory() and create your different sidebars. Or, depending how you’ve organised these sub-pages, you may even be able to pull the sub-page links dynamically.


    Thread Starter ke vinritt


    ok – I’m not sure if I’m understanding how the sidebar will get the subpages. For example: <?php if(is_category('About')) get_sidebar('about_pages')); else get_sidebar(); ?> when I’m on the about category, how (what code) indicates to get the sub pages of that category? You’ll see here that there are 8 sub pages. Is there a conditional I should put in the sidebar?

    In the sidebars, you can use wp_list_categories with the child_of parameter. If you’re a bit handy with coding, you could get a single sidebar to handle all of your sub-cat listings by grabbing the current category id and using that variable for the child_of parameter.

    For example:

    $cat_id = get_query_var('cat');
    $curr_cat = get_category($cat_id);
    wp_list_categories('title_li=&child_of='. $curr_cat);?>
    Thread Starter ke vinritt


    I’ve done ‘some’ coding but I’m trying to learn the WP verbiage. Anyway, would I put the <?php if(is_category('About')) get_sidebar('about_pages')); else get_sidebar(); ?> in the functions.php file? And then the code you provided above in each sidebar.php page I create?

    No – and sorry if I’m confusing you. I’ve actually ended up describing 2 basic approaches – the multiple sidebar method for Pages and the one, dynamic sidebar method for Categories. Now I understand a little more about what you’re trying to do (ie you’re using categories – not pages), I’d suggest trying the second option. You only need to add the 4-line code I gave above to a single sidebar template file to dynamically display any existing sub-categories whenever the main catgeory page is displayed.

    Thread Starter ke vinritt


    ok, I’m a little dense ?? so I just want to make sure I understand this. I have 7 main categories (you can see in the sidebar here). So if someone is in the ‘About’ category, I’d like only the sub pages ‘Board of Directors’, ‘Calendar’ etc to show in the sidebar and so on for each category (even though I created pages and sub pages am I right in calling these categories – these are not blog categories -I’m using WP as a cms)
    So using this code would work? `<?php
    $cat_id = get_query_var(‘cat’);
    $curr_cat = get_category($cat_id);
    wp_list_categories(‘title_li=&child_of=’. $curr_cat);?>`

    I’ll have to create separate sidebars because they will be different colors for each main category. I’m sure that this could be done dynamically but I don’t know how to do that.

    Thanks for you help

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