Hi @aaron843,
I am friend with the developer of Phoenix Media Renamer by the way, which is why we promote each other. His plugin only does the manual rename. My plugin does this, but it aims to do much more, hence, of course, more complexity.
I would like to understand your rating better.
This works in certain situations, but not others.
In which situation it doesn’t work?
The UI is unnecessarily complicated and requires multiple additional steps.
Normally, it doesn’t. The tools for renaming are right here in front of you, there is even a dashboard to make this much faster. Once you have decided your workflow, it’s superfast, and you can even do it in bulk. Which you can’t do with the other plugin; so I don’t really understand the additional steps. Maybe there is a misunderstanding and I could make something clearer somehow?
It might be that you simply wished to rename manually a few files, and that’s it. This is a small % of my users, and in that case you would need to disable the Auto Rename, and maybe even disabled the dashboard (even though it is really helpful to understand which files you renamed or not).
Anyway, I would love a bit more details from you, so I can improve the plugin. From my point of view it is working perfectly. I can always improve the workflow, but I can’t remove the wheels of the car because there are a few collectors in the world who don’t drive them ?? I need to keep the important features obvious.