Hi, I have same problem. I changes a lot of things in php settings but this has no effect: memory_limit, post_max_size, upload_max_size, but still same problem, images are displayed on half or on top of each other. My images have 298×298 pixels.
Curiously, it’s not recurent as well that sometimes, depending of number of images, the symptom does not apply.
Another symptom is when I upload images; this part is ok, up to 200 images for one entry. But then I want to apply filtering (I got two filters “In Collection” and “Whislist”, these are the steps:
– New Portfolio entry
– Add lmages (up to 200, but some of my composers habe more than 800)
– Apply filtering
– Save entry
-> result, all the images dissapear and I may do the job again.
So are these symptoms meant to buy the premium version? I hope using free version to see if the plugin is what I was looking for, afterward eventually buy the premium version.
Site and pages where the symptom appear: https://ost.chassepain.fr/composers
Wordpress version: 5.7.2 fr
Portfolio Filter Gallery version: 1.3.1 free
Hosting: https://www.contabo.com
And last, contacting A WP-Life through the official site support gave no response.
Thank you in advance.