• Resolved Rex V


    I am seeing reports for a client that the cronjob ‘sunshine_session_garbage_collection’ is being called on every page load.

    Upon further inspection, the bug seems to be present in the following code:

     * Register the garbage collector as a daily event.
    function sunshine_session_register_garbage_collection() {
    	if ( ! wp_next_scheduled( 'wp_session_garbage_collection' ) ) {
    		wp_schedule_event( current_time( 'timestamp' ), 'daily', 'sunshine_session_garbage_collection' );
    add_action( 'wp', 'sunshine_session_register_garbage_collection' );

    If you look closely, the handle for wp_next_scheduled (‘wp_session_garbage_collection’) is different from the actually scheduled handle (‘sunshine_session_garbage_collection’). Thus, this task will run on every page load, rather than just once a day.

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  • Thread Starter Rex V


    Some additional information: what the current code does, it schedules your custom function to run every page load. The consequence of this is the following:

    sunshine_session_garbage_collection runs once on every page load;
    – The WordPress cron option is updated every page load.
    – The WordPress cron option contains an ever growing list of moments at which to run the sunshine_session_garbage_collection action. As each update of the cron option involves a serialize and unserialize action, this causes the update to become more expensive which each load, causing significant strain on busy websites. The option at my client’s website is currently over 5 million characters and counting.

    So in addition to fixing the issue outlined above, you should probably make sure that any extra scheduled tasks are removed from cron. In my clients case, this cannot be done using repeated calls to wp_unschedule_event, as those are very inefficient and will cause memory or timeout errors due to the huge size of the cron option.

    I’m testing some code to clear the cronjobs, will update later.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by Rex V.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by Rex V.
    Thread Starter Rex V


    It seems the WordPress core team has experienced a similar issue before 4.3.1 and they used the following code to clear the erroneous cron jobs.

    In the end I just cleared the ‘cron’ option to get everything to work again.


    Thanks for finding this. I just released v2.8.25 which addresses this issue. On update, it should clear out the entire cron queue for “sunshine_session_garbage_collection ” that was getting created repeatedly and start over.

    I’ve just installed the update that has gone live, my website is now completely non responsive.
    Has anyone else experienced this issue?

    I can’t reproduce this problem on my side. One idea is you had so many cron’s set up that it timed out when trying to clear them all out. You can enable error logging and see what errors appear: https://www.sunshinephotocart.com/docs/enabling-error-logging/

    Thread Starter Rex V


    @dancarter213 I had the same problem after the update on a staging site with memory limits applied (max 256mb, as is common on some client sites); WordPress seems to be rather inefficient in clearing the cron queue, and it would generate out-of-memory errors when trying to clear the queue.

    If you have access to your database, removing the ‘cron’ value should probably fix your issues, e.g. like so (assuming a default prefix):

    DELETE FROM wp_options WHERE option_name = 'cron';

    If you have no direct access to the database, but can access the files, temporarily renaming the sunshine-photo-cart plugin directory can return your access to the site. Then, you should try and remove the option named above, possibly using a plugin that allows you to directly edit/remove wp_options records.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by Rex V.

    The solution that @rextc suggested is one option but you need to deactivate all your plugins and reactivate them again as well. That way of deleting all cron data will delete ALL crons that other plugins rely on for proper function and also maintaining a trim database.

    2.8.24 I accidentally introduced an issue that could cause database bloat and slowness that @rextc found. 2.8.25 tried to automatically fix the issue when updating Sunshine however for sites where there was A LOT of bloat it could actually not be able to delete the data and cause timeout issues and unfortunately further issues.

    I have just released 2.8.26 which puts the code to fix this bloat into a separate process instead of an automatic one. For most sites this should be sufficient. Should that fail, it then does the blanket cron data deletion recommended by @rextc but then reminds you to do the plugin deactivation/reactivation process.

    Sorry for all the issues from the small typo which I actually found originally but apparently didn’t include it in the released files for 2.8.24.

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