• Resolved lwillisjhls


    Carryover from this discussion.

    This is occurring on every browser type but Google Chrome. I tried entering the following exceptions in Autoptimize with no success:

    s_sid, smowtion_size, sc_project, WAU_, wau_add, comment-form-quicktags, edToolbar, ch_client, nonce, post_id, wpfl, plupload.full.min.js, main.js, jquery.js, jquery.min.js, jquery-migrate.min.js, wp-includes/js/jquery/ui, plugins/wp-fullcalendar, wp-includes/js/dist, gtm.js

    I have Autoptimize disabled for now.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

Viewing 9 replies - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)
  • Plugin Author Marcus (aka @msykes)


    Was this not fixed in 1.4? IF not, try 1.4.1 which fixes another issue.

    Thread Starter lwillisjhls


    @netweblogic I’ve been out of the office. I see the update and will see if that works. I’ll let you know.

    Thread Starter lwillisjhls


    @netweblogic I updated the plugin, and the issue is still occurring. I left Autoptimize enabled for now so you can see the issue. On the home page, the calendar is supposed to appear under the news section under the Upcoming Programs header.

    Plugin Author Marcus (aka @msykes)


    please check the (newly added) instructions here and provide me the info on 1 and 2 (a link to the page with the calendar you want to display).


    I think you may have a plugin conflict unrelated to this calendar, I see an error on your JS console that has nothing to do with FC, but it’d prevent it from loading.

    Thread Starter lwillisjhls


    @netweblogic Installing WP Safe Mode was unsuccessful due to a timeout error, but the debug code you provided in your link solved the issue.

    Could you let me know what error you saw in the console? I also use Events Manager, by the way.

    Plugin Author Marcus (aka @msykes)


    If you used WPFC_DEBUG then try clearing your caches, the scripts are the same just minified but maybe you have a cached version. Otherwise, the performance impact in non-minified files is not really an issue.

    Sorry, can’t remember the error ?? it’s not loading anymore.

    Thread Starter lwillisjhls


    @netweblogic I cleared the cache prior to using the debug code, so I think there’s something specific about my setup that caused an issued. It could be because I use the Divi theme and they have their own set of requirements. Thanks again.

    Plugin Author Marcus (aka @msykes)


    I’d guess it’s not Divi, as it’s a pretty popular theme so we’d be getting more reports about it.

    However, if WPFC_DEBUG fixes the issue, I’d recommend just leaving it for now. It’s probably a conflict of some sort, so you’d have to try it with other plugins and/or theme switched if WP Safe Mode didn’t work for you.

    Thread Starter lwillisjhls


    @netweblogic Makes sense. I’ll leave it for now. I appreciate your assistance.

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