• Resolved Roman



    WordPress 5.5.3
    W3 Total Cache 2.1.1

    1. I installed W3TC on site, where have not ever used any cache plugin.
    2. Enabled only 2 modules: Page Cache (disk: enchanced), Minify (disk).
    3. For Minify I turned on HTTP/2 push for css, so got them preloaded in http-headers.
    4. Everything was good and I tested this config for a few days.
    5. In case of active editing css, I turned off minification for css.
    6. Deleted all cache.
    7. Preload css in http-headers still existed for some posts.
    8. Cleaning cache, enabling/disabling minification for css, Minify module, Page Cache module, plugin, dancing around computer – nothing helped.

    Incorrect preload links existed only for posts, which had cache. So, first time load (when cache generated) – http-header was correct. 2nd+ times, when system load data from cache – wrong preload css in http-header.

    In case of cache was cleaned, all requests to preloaded css generated 404 error and made huge server load…

    I’ve found, that reason was in .htaccess files, existed in /wp-content/cache/page_enhanced/<site>/<page>/ for some posts. Not for all, but for a lot of. This files had code:

    <IfModule mod_headers.c>
        <FilesMatch "\.html[_a-z]*$">
            Header unset Link
            Header add Link '</wp-content/cache/minify/6a463.css>; rel=preload; as=style'
            Header add Link '</wp-content/cache/minify/63de3.css>; rel=preload; as=style'
            Header add Link '</wp-content/cache/minify/408a6.css>; rel=preload; as=style'
            Header add Link '</wp-content/cache/minify/e0adb.css>; rel=preload; as=style'
            Header add Link '</wp-content/cache/minify/f660d.css>; rel=preload; as=style'
            Header add Link '</wp-content/cache/minify/1ec9e.css>; rel=preload; as=style'

    This files were modified last time when I turned on Minify module first time. So disabling minification for css, Minify module etc had no effect on them.

    I didn’t want delete this files one by one, so just disabled W3TC, deleted cache folder and enabled it again. Everything became good after that.

    So, I confirm, that bug, discussed on this forum a few times, still exist.

    This is just a bug report for developers. No help needs. ??

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  • Plugin Contributor Marko Vasiljevic


    Hello @vladroman

    Thanks for reaching out and thank you for taking the time to report this.
    Let me try to check and replicate this and I’ll get back to you.
    Is this just the case for the first time you enable the Minify and HTTP2 push or does it happens if you try this again after the cache folder has been deleted?

    Thread Starter Roman


    Marko, I had got this bug on site, where enabled the Minify and HTTP2 only one time. After I disabled it, got bug, got some fun with it ?? and found solution, I didn’t enable Minify module again at all.

    I am going to do this. But not now. Probably, at the next week. Active editing of css on this site is still in progress now. If you need, I’ll test turn on/off for you at that time. But as I wrote in first message, when I tried to solve bug, I did on/off a lot of times for everything without any effect.

    I use W3TC on several sites. But have never had this bug before.

    Plugin Contributor Marko Vasiljevic


    Hello @vladroman

    Thank you for the information.
    I understand and we would appreciate any feedback.
    Just one more question, and to confirm, you only had this issue on one website (not all websites are having the same issue)?
    Thank you!

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