The theme showed up without a menu or images and all the other features.
Most themes have to be set up properly… you don’t get the beautiful demo you see immediately after activating the theme: you need to do the work to build each section (or import a whole lot of dummy demo content into your site).
If you look at the Foodica theme’s demo, all the pictures and layout and stuff you see are not really part of the theme itself… but they come from the POSTS that have been published in the demo site. Your site doesn’t have a single post, so there’s nothing for the theme to show.
I reset and started again ,tried other six themes but they all show up very weird without any of the pictures. I think something must have happened when I reset my WordPress.
If you uploaded these “pictures” yourself, then sure, the resetting deleted everything. And I just tried the “WP Reset” plugin, and sure enough, they gave ample warnings that “ALL CONTENT WILL BE LOST”.
If you did not upload these “pictures” yourself, then, perhaps, you may be thinking (wrongly) that installing a theme will turn your site to look just like the demo site, complete with all the pictures you see in the demo site.
That is, unfortunately, not the case.
You need properly configure the theme after installing it (eg setup the navigation menus, install and configure required plugins, etc), and publish your own posts with your own thumbnail images.
Think of the theme as the “shell” for you to wrap your content around. You have no content published on your site, so the theme can’t do its job properly.
I’m prepared to stay with you in this thread for as long as it takes to have your site full configured and setup the way you want… if you’re willing to do your part.
Here’s the documentation to set up the Foodica theme:
Please follow the documentation to set up the different sections of the site (homepage, desktop and mobile navigation menus, sidebars, sliders, etc). Then start to PUBLISH some content, making sure to include a FEATURED IMAGE with every post (if you want to have those thumbnail images you see on the demo site).
If you encounter any problem, I’m here to help: just take a little time to clearly articulate what you’re trying to accomplish, what steps you’ve taken, what isn’t work, what you’re unsure of, etc — include a screenshot if necessary — and I’ll do my best to help you set up your site.
I’m standing by.
Good luck!