Hi @wzub,
Would we be able to use that form’s display count cookie to limit the popup?
As stated by Patrick in the previous reply the cookies are based on each browser session, and if the Embed already has a cookie set during that browser session when the page containing the Embed is loaded before the Popup loads then it should work.
You could use the Visibility condition as follows for your popup:
Screenshot at 18:01:43.png
I gave a quick test and it worked based on the above use case as mentioned in my system. Was the ID correct? ie hustle_module_show_count-embedded-4. You could double-check the ID by editing the Embed under Hustle > Embeds, which should show the ID in the website URL as shown in the following screenshot:
Screenshot at 17:53:45.png
If you can confirm the settings are correct, then if possible please do share the URL to the page where you have the Embed and also the URL to the page where the popup is supposed to load, so that we could have a better idea.
Best Regards,