Thanks for the positive comments and for your question. I know MLA has a lot going on and it can be a challenge to find and apply its features.
The [mla_gallery]
shortcode can be used for a variety of gallery displays, but for advanced features like slide shows and lightboxes there are many other plugins that provide much better solutions. You can use MLA’s “Support for Other Gallery-generating Shortcodes” to let MLA do the data selection and than hand off a list of items to another plugin to format the display. Three good candidates for this pairing are:
Photonic Gallery & Lightbox for Flickr, SmugMug, Google Photos & Others
Justified Image Grid
Jetpack – Gallery and Slideshow tools
I have been able to combine MLA with many gallery and lightbox plugins over the years.
I am marking this topic resolved, but if you find a plugin you like post an update here and I will try to give you more specific guidance to make it work with MLA. Thanks for your interest in MLA.