shipping cost class should not override other
We are using a flat rate shipping shipping fee for our North America zone. This fee contains multiple shipping cost classes and each class is for a specific product. So we add a bike to the basket with a crate for that bike we want shipping to be calculated for the one bike and crate
and BikeA/BikeB/City bikes/classic_bikes” shipping class cost[qty]*271.074
The issue now is that if MT crate is added to order than shipping is calculated just for MT crate not for the bike, but shipping classes have to add, not replace each other.
I don’t know how to solve it, checked everything in back – end, all shipping prices are correct, Charge shipping per each shipping class individually. But still “Crate_shipping class” somehow over-ride “BikeA/BikeB/City bike/classic bike” shipping class. And they should be added to each other at checkout as shipping is charged separately for the bike and for the crate as they go into two separate boxes.
What are we missing here?
Reading where one mentions that one will override the other and that I perhaps should move one class to a no class class and then give the crates for example no shipping class.. But we have many composite products using where we combine multiple products with multiple shipping cost classes. So how do I manage that?
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