Hello @aleguzmanb539
I hope you’re doing well!
Based on your description you’ve enabled Two Factor Authentication and checked an option to force it to the adminstrator users. You can’t leave the profile.php without setting up 2FA for your account. You can either set up 2FA, scroll at the bottom to see the QR code
Or you may deactivate this option from the database. Access your PHPmyAdmin, open the wp_options
table and look for wd_2auth_settings
entry. Edit the value and chnage “enabled” from true to false. Foe example, change:
{"enabled":true,"lost_phone":true ...
{"enabled":false,"lost_phone":true ...
A 3rd option is with the mu-plugin. Create an mu-plugins directory insdie te wp-content, create a file deactivate-2fa.php and add this code in it
add_action( 'init', function () {
if ( ! isset( $_GET['resetAuth'] ) ) {
delete_option( 'wd_2auth_settings' );
delete_site_option( 'wd_2auth_settings' );
} );
Visit the domain.com/?resetAuth=1 link once and this should deactivate the 2FA. Make sure to replace domain.com with your own domain. Make sure to remove that file after you’re done.
Please, to avoid delays in finding a resolution for any issues you have, open a new ticket in forums so our support team could help you.
Let us know how it went!
Kind regards,