Yes, I saw this search possibility but it is quite difficult because the list of indexed words is long and the input of letters for their selection is quite unstable but may be ok.
The best way for us would be to be able to display the album ID on the front office after the title for certain roles (ex: admin and editor) and then to be able to do a search with the ID in the album admin .
My webmaster tried a code modification of “wppa-album-covers.php”:
function wppa_the_album_title ($alb, $href_title, $onclick_title, $title, $target) {
global $user; $appendToTitle = “”;
// Get album ID
if (current_user_can (‘administrator’)) {$album_ID = $album [‘id’]; $appendToTitle = ‘[‘. $album_ID. ‘]’;
wppa_out ($appendToTitle. ‘</h2>’);
(there may be extra or missing spaces but it’s because of my Copy / Paste)
It worked perfectly until your last update but since that update we have of course redone the change that was overwritten but the ID now only appears on the first albums in the menu
If the search remains as it is today with indexed words, that may be sufficient but if we could get the album ID to appear on the front office it would be of great help to us.`
Thanks !