• billyboozer


    Good morning everyone!!!

    Really hoping that you clever folk can help me out… I am really new to blogging and need some help branding my blog with a custom header.

    The blog address is: https://crossfitoneten.com

    Sorry to sound really dumb… but where do i even start guys? The theme used is “Piano Black”

    Where do I edit the style sheet? Style.css or do i edit the Header.php?

    Also… where do i add the files? I see a few posts say add them to the themes folder? But how?

    /*  ------ header ---------------------- */
    /* Change the number of margin if you are using original logo image */
    #logo_image { margin:69px 0 0 30px; float:left; display:inline; }
    #logo_image h1 { margin:0; padding:0; }
    /* blog title */
    #logo { float:left; display:inline; margin:64px 0 0 40px; }
    #logo a, #logo a:visited { color:#ccc; font-size:22px; }
    #logo a:hover { text-decoration:none; color:#83bac4; }
    #logo h1 { font-weight:normal; line-height:100%; margin:0; padding:6px 0; color:#666; font-size:11px; }
    #rss-feed { font-size:11px; float:right; margin:62px 10px 0 0; display:inline; color:#777; background:url(img/rss.gif) no-repeat left top; height:25px; width:80px; padding:18px 0 0 60px; }
    #rss-feed:hover { background:url(img/rss.gif) no-repeat left bottom; color:#83bac4; text-decoration:none; }
    #search-area { float:right; display:inline; width:183px; height:29px; margin:70px 47px 0 0; background:url(img/search-area.gif) no-repeat; }
    #search-input { float:left; margin:8px 0 0 24px; border:0px; height:17px; display:inline; width:125px; font-size:12px; color:#7e7e7e; background:transparent; }
    #search-button { float:right; }
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  • happymonday82


    The header is rendered via the header.php.

    Php is the code that tells the header how to be displayed. It contains the title, tag line, search box etc.

    If your using firefox, install a plugin called firebug. There is a little tool with an arrow and a blue line on it, if you click it, you can then inspect the elements on your site. It helps you know what .php files are doing what.

    If I was you, I would just find a theme that allows you to install a custom header, it’s much easier.

    There are so many good themes out there.

    If you want to make a custom header, you have to make sure it’s the correct dimensions for the space. It gets a bit confusing.

    Thread Starter billyboozer


    Thanks for your advise… much appreacited!

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