Hi @thinkshorts
I hope you’re well today and thank you for contacting us!
1. Users click on United Kingdom on the Country Dropdown and its jumps to a infinity footer that’s not the footer of my actual site. Why? (…)
4. Please look at my link and tell me why does this form make my page longer than it should be (surpassing the footer) and tell my why when a user selects certain data (particular UK in the country field) does it hide (jump to bottom) the whole form.
I can see it on the page in question but I can also tell that this is not an expected and default behavior – this form shouldn’t look/behave this way.
You are using Hello Elementor theme, right? Did you check if the same happens for this form with default Twenty Twenty-one theme?
i’d also like to check the form and test it on my end. Each form can be exported from Forminator so could you export it and share export code with is, please?
– please export after removing notifications configuration – you can duplicate the form, remove notifications from there and export that copy of the form
– it’s best to share it via Google Docs or Dropbox (or similar service) or via https://pastebin.com
2. Cannot set image upload type when using the Post form data features.
In “Post Data” field there’s only “Feature Image” option included – is this the one you’re referring to? If yes, this doesn’t include options to set “image type” indeed as it just follows WordPress settings. In other words, it accepts all the same images that a regular “Feature Image” option in standard post editor would accept.
3. I have tried to use PayPal settings on another form and its not working (despite setting up the API sandbox and live correctly.
While this is another form but, most of all, a separate issue that might require different troubleshooting, could you please start a separate ticket about it? This would really help us keep track of everything and provide more accurate/faster support.
Kind regards,