• Resolved jbmoxie


    first I friggin’ love the mystique theme and I am almost done implementing.

    I am having two problems though:

    1. I can’t seem to float/align the ad block #4 in the header (replaces site description) to the right.

    2. On trying to use the footer slider feature — I often see the individual slides overlap (right now I am only using 1 widget per slide). With that, currently the nav for this section (previous/next arrows) are not appearing.

    Any advice?
    Thanks — https://blog.buildingmoxie.com

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  • Michael


    change ‘left:0;’ to ‘left:20px;’ in style.css of the theme

    Thread Starter jbmoxie


    hey alchymyth — thanks! I tried this but see on FF3 the ad wants to wrap to a new line. I don’t get it. I did have css in place to align right for the ad element (I removed it — but looks like I might be adding back). That feels kinda like a hack. . . what am I missing? and it still doesn’t give me separation I am looking for.

    secondly on the slide overlay — I figured that this section really only loves the 980width. kinda sucks because I think this site looks the best with a default page width of around 85% — Any advice on how to make the footer slider work with this as default?

    On the arrows — I think I lost them simply because I had redundant css in the User CSS page under Mystique Settings. There back now.

    Please and thank you. jb

    Thread Starter jbmoxie


    I added a div around the ad code in the ad block itself — this resoloved my (non)issue with banner ad placement.

    I would still like to figure how to adjust the footer block width to fit a default fluid page width of around 85%.

    still open to help. thanks. jb



    this is easier to do in mystique 2.0.
    if you update to this version, instead of the previous code, in the custom functions field paste:

    function my_header_ads(){
      echo do_shortcode("[ad code=4]");
    add_action('mystique_header', 'my_header_ads');

    then position the ad with css, eg:

    #header .ad{
     position: absolute;
     right: 0;
     top: 40px;

    if you don’t want the site description, just leave the site headline blank from the settings page.

    Thread Starter jbmoxie


    thank you for this digitalnature. great theme. . . also really liked Fusion too — it’s my back up (and I’ll try to donate soon.)

    Can you offer any advice on making the footer slides “line up” when I am using a non standard page width.

    /* Set a fluid page width
    .page-content {max-width:85%;} */

    I’ll try to get back with a screen cap —


    Thread Starter jbmoxie


    here is the screen cap of the effect I am talking about.

    As a workaround, I wonder if hitting a width that the page controls use would serve me?

    On a side note — if I update to a newer version of the theme within wordpress — will it clear all my settings includes colors, logos, ads, etc?



    settings are kept, but if you made changes to the theme files, you’ll loose them.
    make back-up first just in case…

    Thread Starter jbmoxie


    Wow! you weren’t kinding. . . a complete re-write! no more page width controls, no feature rolling slider — can the 960gs fixed width be modified?

    The update was pretty painless — but it removed the section of php that controlled the ad block immediately below single posts. [Ad Code 1] and it looks like this new version removed the cheat sheet from the settings area. . . I can’t seem to find where that bit was stored in the backup. . . please help with that. . . thanks. jb.



    the page width control was useless.
    And the slider will be back.

    see the code I posted above for the ad placement in the header.
    you can change the page width/or column widths from the design tab…

    if you want a custom page width, select “fluid”, then use the css option, eg:
    .page-content{max-width: 1200px;}

    Thread Starter jbmoxie


    First off – outstanding support! and this new version — Love it.

    I agree about the page controls (less variables to contend with) and thanks — the rolling feature area was nice.

    One last question — so I can find the block of php that set the ad block immediately below single posts: Where are the Mystique Settings >> Advanced settings stored so I can dig it out of my backup?

    thanks, jb

    Thread Starter jbmoxie


    I got this far with this today. It ends up replacing the entire post.
    please assist. I am trying to place the ad code 1 at the very end of each post and page.

      /* function insert_post_ads(){
      echo do_shortcode("[ad code=1 align=center]");
      add_action('the_content', 'insert_post_ads'); */


    try this:

      function insert_post_ads(){
      if (is_single()) echo do_shortcode("[ad code=1 align=center]");
      add_action('mystique_after_post', 'insert_post_ads');

    if you really want the ads inside the content the old code should work:

    function insert_post_ads($content){
      $content .= do_shortcode("[ad code=1 align=center]");
      return $content;
      add_filter('the_content', 'insert_post_ads',4);
      add_filter('get_the_excerpt', create_function('','remove_filter("the_content", "insert_post_ads",6); return;'),5);


    Thanks for the code. I’m using version 2.0.2 of the theme, but neither the new nor the old code works for me.
    Can you please help me with this?

    Thread Starter jbmoxie


    hi digitalnature — like martin neither bit worked for me (in fact both produced errors).

    for newbies (I am one) — don’t think that you can carpet bomb and add both to your settings — this caused my site to go white. . .

    On a side note though — figured out where these settings live in the db.

    Select *
    from wp-options
    where option_name like '%mystique%'
    Thread Starter jbmoxie


    hi — I was able to reinsert the ad block I needed using the “pre” section of my Related Posts plug in.

    Thank you. . . looking forward to getting the rolling featured area back. Thank you. . . and I will probably check in again.

    Still love the Mystique theme! jb

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