• stretch44


    I just realized how antiquated the theme is, that I’ve spent many hours wrestling with, when I had to choose the version I’m working with, in the form above. Wow, I hope someone can still help me out. I should preface this by saying, when I chose the WordPress Classic theme by Dave Shea, I saw in it an opportunity to be able to tweak a few things and make it my own. My main goal, when choosing a theme is to try to remove as many “blog connotations” as possible. Hence, I often go into the Theme Editor and completely remove the Archives.php, Comments.php and do a fair amount of reworking the html in the sidebar and footer, as well. Having said that, when I finished today and submitted it for approval for an affiliate, everything looked just the way I wanted (on my computer). I work in Firefox, but also check on IE (also on my computer) occasionally … it still looked good. I just happened to jump on another computer in the house tonight and when I brought up the site, the sidebar on the right was no longer there, leaving a blank white margin. Scrolling down the page, on the left, below the footer, I found my complete side bar, intact, but completely out of place and when I checked another computer, found the same problem. Clearly I’ve deleted something that should not have been removed. Please let me know what more information I can provide to help correct my situation. I didn’t know if it would be appropriate to just slam my url in here for all to view, but I’m willing to do what I need to … just let me know. Thanks for any help you can give me.

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  • Samuel B


    a link would definitely help

    Thread Starter stretch44


    Samuel B


    no sidebars now?

    Thread Starter stretch44


    I take it that means MY view of the entire site is in the minority? I guess I don’t have a sidebar now, although I do still have the sidebar.php, for what its worth … I fear I have ravaged it. On 2 of the 4 computers I have access to, I can see the site fine … the other 2, I fear is what most are seeing … your view, with my right hand side bar, nestling down in the lower left portion of the screen where you actually have to scroll down to find it. I was hoping that this was a situation that might be remedied by changing the parameters/dimensions of the site, hoping that if I could make the site longer (at the bottom) or narrow the body, that things might fall back “into place”. I’m not versed well enough in Html or css, to get a handle on the gravity of my problem. It sounds like I may have pulled something out of the sidebar that has caused it to “wander”. Would my sidebar code be of help or is it more of a contextual thing, I mean … only makes sense when you can see the whole picture?

    Samuel B


    ok – weird – I see a sidebar on the right side now – nothing but the footer at the bottom

    several refreshes – same thing

    Thread Starter stretch44


    Really? I’m not trying to be difficult, but I was trying to go backwards and put back in, what was close to being originally there. I’m not seeing the sidebar on the right yet and have gone back to no pic., no adsense and checked a different computer. Are you seeing the “pink resources” at the top right, then Categories, search, archives etc…?
    I was going to try to put the footer back the way it was and keep going backwards until the site fell back into place. Thought it might be easier to ask you the proper way to remove things, instead of you trying to figure out what I took out that made it look this way. Sorry for the confusion. Wonder why the sidebar isn’t on the right (on the other computer). Thank you.

    Samuel B


    Are you seeing the “pink resources” at the top right, then Categories, search, archives etc…?

    yes – exactly

    try ctrl + F5 on keyboard at same time while on page

    Thread Starter stretch44


    Interesting … the 2 oldest computers in the house (1 of which is the one I use) seems to display the site fine. Refreshing the 2 newer computers (1 is a year old & the other was bought 4 years ago) doesn’t help. The site is still showing the right sidebar down on the lower left, when I scroll down.

    Samuel B


    I’m still seeing the default view as before
    what happens if you switch to default theme or another theme?

    or you could just grab another zip and get the classic theme sidebar.php
    and start over backing up after every change

    also, a sandbox theme might be easier to customize

    Thread Starter stretch44


    Do you know of a WP theme that would be fairly easy to work with, as far as being able to remove the “powered by WordPress” phrase in the footer and basically just have a side bar to put some adsense & outbound links in with a header that I could change the title and post and article with some video in? I thought that this template was fairly simple looking, hence my choice. Your thoughts? Thanks.

    Thread Starter stretch44


    Sorry, I posted before seeing that you got back to me … let me take a look … Thank you.

    Jonas Grumby


    Things that will make your sidebar jump to the bottom in a two-column layout include:

    • a missing </div> tag
    • either the sidebar or the content column (or both) being too wide to fit into a fixed-width layout

    You don’t need to delete the php files to remove things that you don’t want to appear in the sidebar. Just edit the sidebar code or use widgets to control what displays there.

    The Default theme is very easy to change and you can make it look entirely different without having to worry that doing something like taking the credit out of the footer will break it. After you spend some time customizing themes you will know how to write your own.

    Jonas Grumby


    Wow I had never heard of a sandbox theme. I actually don’t recommend that because it’s so far from what you want to end up with. What I recommend if you want to learn is…

    1. Forget about WordPress. Write a static index.html page (preferably using CSS). Just add the basic div tags for structure and some dummy text in each area of the page. No WordPress code is needed yet.
    2. Create a style.css file in the same folder. Copy the commented area at the top of the style.css from the default theme into the top of your style.css and change the info as needed
    3. add whatever style attributes you need to your style.css. You may want to copy all of the sidebar CSS right out of the Default theme.
    4. Make sure your static page appears correctly in the browser
    5. If it does, save it as index.php
    6. Copy all of the code from the Default theme’s header.php up to the body tag, and paste it into the top of your index.php (replace whatever is there)
    7. Paste this code <?php wp_footer(); ?> just before your </body> tag
    8. Upload your new theme folder to your site’s wp-content/themes folder
    9. Using the Theme Test Drive plugin, visit your site with the name of your theme folder appended to the URL (e.g. https://example.com/?theme=mythemefoldername)
    10. See how your site theme looks when it is generated by WordPress. Does all of the dummy text appear where it’s supposed to be?
    11. If your site looks good in your new theme (everything lines up the way it’s supposed to and text is displayed correctly), you can start adding graphics, loop code, sidebar code, etc. You can copy the loop code out of the Default theme’s index.php, and you can probably copy the Default theme’s sidebar.php in it’s entirety and just change the comments at the top.
    12. Next, in your theme, replace the entire div (including the div tags) that contains your dummy sidebar, and replace it with this code: <?php get_sidebar(); ?>
    13. You can also copy the Default theme’s options.php and edit out everything except where the sidebar is registered. That will make your theme widget-ready.

    Congratulations. You just made your first theme, and it’s even widget-ready!

    Now your next task is to break up your page into sections, just like you replaced your entire sidebar div, you can CUT all of the code that you want in your header (usually everything up to the div that contains the loop code), paste it into a file called header.php, and where that code was in your index.php, add this code to call it in from the external file <?php get_header(); ?>

    Same for the footer

    There you go. Now you are a master. You will learn other tricks, such as the fact that if you are floating your content & sidebar divs next to each other, the sidebar div can be after the content div in the code (i.e. you don’t have to write the code from left to right like you do with a table, it doesn’t matter with CSS as long as you tell the divs where to go)


    Jonas Grumby


    p.s. As I mentioned you usually have the sidebar code after the content code. Your footer is usually everything after the sidebar div. That’s why you so often see the index.php of a two-column theme ending with:

    <?php get_sidebar(); ?>
    <?php get_footer(); ?>
    Thread Starter stretch44


    Can either of you think of why my site would be showing up properly on the 2 older computers in my house and not the 2 newer ones? (age of the theme? or age of the computers? … plz don’t say it’s so) One of the newer computers actually has a wide screen. Also, I’m still showing pink letters and the font I changed it to on my older computer, but the newer computers are showing the original dark green font in the title. Could it be that the body of my site has somehow stepped across a boundary and pushed the sidebar out of its position?

    I think I’d like to try the default theme first and try to get it to work with that. I’m not ruling the sandbox idea out, but I feel like I’d be starting over again and believe it or not I have put up a couple of other WP sites successfully. I just wanted to move to a more generic theme that I could use as a template and start “steamrolling”. I’ve got research done and content for several sites that I just need to keep moving on. Thanks for all the ideas … I may systematically start trying everything suggested and if I need to learn some new things to work within the sandbox theme, will you be around Samboll? Thanks for all your help and thanks for the ideas SS, I always appreciate it (actually I just noticed your last post and its a “hum-dinger”, that sounds so cool and an opportunity for complete autonomy). But, as to what I was saying up top again … I would be interested in entertaining any ideas of why my computer’s reading the site differently than the newer ones, your thoughts? Thanks again guys.

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