I’m not sure if this would be simple or a big update. It would be nice to have separate pages for different Property Groups
If you read the page at https://help.appfolio.com/s/article/Embed-HTML-Code
it says you can customize the listings widget to only display properties within a certain property group. You may have multiple listing boxes on your website dedicated to different property groups. Remove the // in front of propertyGroup and replace My Group Name with the name of the property group as it appears in your database.
We had a commercial property we managed for a while. We are looking to add some more commercial. Putting commercial on a different page would be helpful. It seems like the way to do that would be to create a “Commercial” property group and then have a separate page for it. Could do the same for student housing or a different location.
Maybe having multiple shortcodes would accomplish it? For example [apfl_listings] lists everything and [apfl_listings_pg1] would be a setting in the plugin where you define that pg1 is property group “commercial” and then it only lists the vacancies from that property group.