Hi @acehobojoe,
Thanks for sharing the page and code you were seeing. I have requested that our threat intelligence team look into this a little further. If it is added to our list or requires updating to prevent your situation happening again, your protection will automatically be updated in the usual way.
As you mention cleaning your own site, to ensure it is truly clear from reoccurring was certainly the correct route to take. If you have already followed these steps, that’s fine but I didn’t want it to go unmentioned in case there’s anything helpful in there that could stop it from reoccurring.
Follow the checklist here:
Make sure and get all your plugins and themes updated and update WordPress core too. If you are on an older branch (WordPress 4.x etc) because you wanted to wait before installing the latest version because of Gutenberg or a custom theme compatibility you still need the latest update in that version. Those can be found here:
WordPress sometimes patches their older releases if they find a vulnerability so make sure to update your version if needed. We, of course, recommend that you update to the latest version.
As a rule, any time I think someone’s site has been compromised I also tell them to update their passwords for their hosting control panel, FTP, WordPress admin users, and database. Make sure to do this if you haven’t already.
Additionally you might find the WordPress Malware Removal section in our free Learning Center helpful.
Thanks again,