• todcaton


    How do I remove the META category from my sidebar? I have deactivated the widget from Sidebar 1, refreshed browser/saved, yet it is still there on my site. Site is https://www.GrayCreek.com – any help would be greatly appreciated! Template is Peaceful Rush.

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  • Samuel B


    likely it is hard-coded in theme’s sidebar.php

    Hey todcaton, I noticed the META category is now removed from your sidebar. Could you share how you did it? I just installed WordPress and cannot figure out how to remove it. Thanks ??

    I found the solution… So simple! I’ll post it here in case other’s show up here with the same question.

    1. Go to Admin Dashboard and under Appearance select Widgets
    2. Drag the META widget over to the sidebar
    3. Click ‘save’ (you may need to click the drop-down arrow in the Meta widget to display the Save option)
    4. Then drag any other widgets that you actually DO want to display over to your sidebar and click ‘Save’ for each one
    5. Now drag the META widget back over to the Available Widgets section and click ‘save’

    Refresh your page and voila…

    Craft Magick’s Wiccan Wonderings

    YEY!! I was getting worried that I might have to go into the PHP code to remove it. THANK GOODNESS! thanks for the biggest tip on getting around this bug!

    I had the same problem with the peaceful rush theme. The meta panel is hard coded. So moving the meta widget to the disabled area did not help.

    Delete the hard code. What you do is:
    1.In the admin panel, click appearence.
    2.click editor
    3.locate and click sidebar.php on the right hand side.
    4.scroll through the code and locate this code

    • <h2><?php _e('Meta'); ?></h2>

    5.delete the above code

    6.update file.

    the meta panel is gone! If you want it back. drag your widget over to the sidebar panel.

    wordpress design and hosting melbourne

    Craftmagick, thanks for the Meta removal information. Whew!!!

    hi this is the code that i have with the them are we saying that i should delete all of this or just part of this? Can someone please help me I am not a programmer and do not understand code at all. Thanks Dawn ??

    • <h2><?php _e(‘Meta’); ?></h2>

    Oh I should have said that my code reads as follows:

    • <h2><?php _e(‘Meta’); ?></h2>
      <?php wp_register(); ?>

    • <?php wp_loginout(); ?>
    • which part of this code do I remove for someone that is not a programmer I am finding this a little confusing, your help would be appriciated. Thanks Dawn ??

    Hi again I seem to have figured it out Craftmagick. ??

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