As @sterndata recommends, I’d hit up the OceanWP docs to figure this out.
Luckily you picked a decent theme with a bunch of PHP filter hook support.
That means, you should avoid changing any theme PHP files directly. It’s not necessary and you’ll loose your updates if you do.
OceanWP has a hook for what you want to do. I’m pretty sure it’s this one.
* Alter the single post heading tag from H2 to H1
function myprefix_single_post_heading( ) {
return 'h1';
add_filter( 'ocean_single_post_heading', 'myprefix_single_post_heading' );
You’d add this code to your child theme’s functions.php file or use something like the Code Snippets plugin. Don’t add this code to any theme PHP or core WordPress files.
Here’s where I found the hook.
Further questions or to confirm this, should be posted to the OceanWP forum so you get the best theme experts helping you there.