XeroCool, that header image is only meant to be there, so that out the box it doesn’t look boring. You’re meant to customise your masthead with whatever it is you want. If you don’t have Photoshop there literally is a plethora of packages that will do the job for you, such as Gimp, Expression, and the list honestly goes on and on.
TINALS hey I’m not planning on moving to a two column structure any time soon. I only released that because I felt it was something people were more comfortable with, and it was something loads of people kept asking about. I might as well make sure I do it right rather than half assed, so I waited till I had a little bit of time.
I think I’m going to calm down on the Manji development slightly. It’s been a crazy January, so it’s ok to calm down for a few weeks before I look at the code again, and anyway I’ve got Shuttle to take care of, which reminds me I should write a post about that.