How to offer my domain only avatars
I would like to offer avatars to my readers from my own site
not from, I would really like to remove this code
completely if at all possible. I don’t like tracking of my visitorsI was just on another thread, and it really rang a bell
with me, is anybody body else around here just a little
bit curious as to why the only way to offer a avatar image to
your readers is by signing up with another website outside of
your own called why there’s is no everyday avatar uplaod option at the very least?
If your readers want a avatar image they either have to sign up with
another site or go without one, find that oddnotice i have none, and its not because I don’t want two.
anyone running a website or server knows its webmaster 101, every time
a image or anything thing else is accessed, there is a record, now
include a indetifying string in the url and match that to a profile on
file and you have a really nice profile database of a user and
particular blogs to profit from or even sell,like what pages a profile
has read, how many times they post and so on the data is endless, Blog
hits, category hits post to view ratio’s just use you imagination.For those out there that think this is not data based and available to
them your living in wonderland and you better wake up.I don’t know about the rest of blog admins, but my blog, my visitors
privacy and security is of the highest importance to me.For some, I am sure this is a very useful service, I have nothing
against that BUT gravatar,com has no business being rooted in the
wordpress code
itself as the only option for avatars IT SHOULD ONLY BE A PLUG IN.
other then for maybe generating revenue or something I cant understand
how got into the wordpress code in the first place, thats
just beyond beliefAll I am saying is that a blog owner should have the right whether
this gets installed or not, and have control over there avatars like
on every forum out there.I am really surprised this has been allowed to go on this long When or
“if” I do go live you can bet this will differently be my first topic.WordPress Devolpers please make this a plugin only, keep
out of the WordPress main code, and allow us a avatar upload option
the only contact a blog should have outside their domain should be
with you guys onlyI really like WordPress its so easy to use, I have tried so many this
week I am so blogged out but this gravatar thing is a really really
big turn off, that does not have to be. I see know other reason why
not to have a avatar upload option other then to force readers to sign
up with gravatar.comThanks
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