Hello @voha888,
Follow the below steps to set up the home page.
For Homepage Setup:
1. Go to Dashboard >> Pages >> Add New, Create a new page and name it as “Home” then select the template “Custom Home Page” and publish it.
2. Go to Dashboard >> Settings >> Reading, Select the option of Static Page, now select the page you created to be the homepage.
1. Go to Dashboard >> Post >> Add New category, Create a new Post and name it, add the content, featured image Image Size ( 375px x 375px ) and publish the post. Similarly make different posts.
2. Go to Customizer >> Theme Settings >> Slider Settings, Click the checkbox of Show/Hide Slider and select the post category of the slider which you have created.
Our Service:
1. Go to Dashboard >> Post >> Add New category, Create a new Post and name it, add the content, featured image, and publish the post. Similarly, make different posts.
3. Go to Customizer >> Theme Settings >> Our Service, add select the category that you have created and publish it.
Footer Section:
1. Go to Dashboard >> Appearance >> Widgets, here you can add widgets to the footer widgets areas, which can be seen in the footer.
Footer Text:
1. Go to Customizer >> Theme Settings >> Footer Text, add footer text here.