• I have i small ftp issue, that i hope someone can help me with. Plugin runs perfect, but the ftp transfer to my backup server fails.

    2010-02-07 21:42.37: Connected by SSL to FTP server: https://ftp.xxxxxx.com
    2010-02-07 21:42.37: FTP Server Completion reply: 230 User xxxxxx logged in.
    2010-02-07 21:42.37: FTP Client command: SYST
    2010-02-07 21:42.37: FTP Server Completion reply: 215 UNIX Type: L8
    2010-02-07 21:42.37: FTP Client command: PASV
    2010-02-07 21:42.37: Server Completion reply: 227 Entering Passive Mode Array
    2010-02-07 21:42.37: FTP Client command: ALLO
    2010-02-07 21:42.37: FTP Server reply: Zzz…

    Warning: ftp_put() [function.ftp-put]: TYPE is now 8-bit binary in /home/www/subdomain.domainname.com/wp-content/plugins/backwpup/app/dojob/destination-ftp.php on line 102
    2010-02-07 21:42.47: ERROR: Can not transfer backup to FTP server.
    2010-02-07 21:42.47: Sending mail…
    2010-02-07 21:42.47: Mail send!!!
    2010-02-07 21:42.47: Backup ZIP File size is 75.98 KB
    2010-02-07 21:42.47: Job done in 10 sec.

    I am pretty sure, that i have configured the plugin correctly. The plugin is actually able to create the dir on the remote ftp server.

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  • Similar problem here…

    2010-09-07 07:40.24: Backup Zip file create done!
    2010-09-07 07:40.25: Connected by SSL to FTP server: https://ftp.xxx
    2010-09-07 07:40.26: FTP Server Completion reply: 230 User xxx.com logged in.
    2010-09-07 07:40.26: FTP Client command: SYST
    2010-09-07 07:40.26: FTP Server Completion reply: 215 UNIX Type: L8
    2010-09-07 07:40.26: FTP Client command: PASV
    2010-09-07 07:40.26: Server Completion reply: 227 Entering Passive Mode
    2010-09-07 07:40.26: FTP Client command: ALLO
    2010-09-07 07:40.26: FTP Server reply: A L’HUILE
    2010-09-07 07:40.37: [WARNING] ftp_put() [function.ftp-put]: php_connect_nonb() failed: Operation now in progress (115)
    2010-09-07 07:40.37: [WARNING] ftp_put() [function.ftp-put]: TYPE is now 8-bit binary
    2010-09-07 07:40.37: [ERROR] Can not transfer backup to FTP server.
    2010-09-07 07:40.47: [WARNING] ftp_nlist() [function.ftp-nlist]: php_connect_nonb() failed: Operation now in progress (115)
    2010-09-07 07:40.47: Backup Archive File size is 32.79 MB

    please comment out line 944 to 946 in backwpup_dojob.php and test again.
    if it works than i can do tomthing….

    have released a new version to deactivate FTP passive mode pleas try it and give feadback

    is there any way to get more logging information for ftp errors? I have not been able to get the ftp portion of the plugin to work, on multiple sites with different ftp servers. I can transfer files all day using other ftp clients, so I know it’s not an authentication issue. I’ve tried with SSL and without, passive enabled and disabled, no luck.

    Thanks for the plugin. It seems to work great in many situations, though ftp is being problematic for me.

    I have identical problem/errors per bruce78

    Other tidbit of info: if the site to be backed up is on the same server as the destination ftp, then the backup job works (localhost=ftp server). Remote FileZilla transfers also work fine.

    New version, disabling passive, the errors change slightly:

    2010-09-13 11:33.53: Connected by SSL to FTP server: https://ftp.xxxxxxxxx.com
    2010-09-13 11:33.53: FTP Server Completion reply: 230 User [email protected] logged in.
    2010-09-13 11:33.53: FTP Client command: SYST
    2010-09-13 11:33.53: FTP Server Completion reply: 215 UNIX Type: L8
    2010-09-13 11:33.53: FTP Client command: PASV
    2010-09-13 11:33.53: FTP Client command: ALLO
    2010-09-13 11:33.53: FTP Server reply: A L’HUILE
    2010-09-13 11:34.03: [WARNING] ftp_put() [function.ftp-put]: PORT command successful
    2010-09-13 11:34.03: [ERROR] Can not transfer backup to FTP server.
    2010-09-13 11:34.23: Backup Archive File size is 3.56 MB
    2010-09-13 11:34.23: Job done in 48 sec.

    Email if you want any other details, or for me to setup a testing ftp account for you on the server.

    Any suggestions as to how to debug ftp problems?

    To anyone having problems getting ftp to work in Backwpup: I have found another similar plugin called Updraft that does pretty much the same thing that Backwpup does, except that the ftp portion actually works (and also has debug mode).

    To the developer of Backwpup: Perhaps it would benefit you to take a look at the Updraft code to help you fix your ftp problems.

    Updraft is a fine plugin but comes nowhere close to the flexibility of backWPup which is why I’m holding out hope that the ftp functionality can be sorted out.

    It’s a good idea to compare the updraft method of ftp access to see what’s different. I’ve already started looking, but don’t have the time required to really dive in.

    Flexibility is great, as long as the software works. This plugin has not worked even once for me, and believe me, I’ve made quite a few attempts.

    Luckily for me, all I need to do is automatically back up my blogs and databases reliably via ftp on a schedule. Updraft does that flawlessly (at least it has so far, and it worked the first time with no issues)

    Good luck with your problem, my friend. Mine is solved. ??

    i make some littel changes again a bit inspiratet from Updraft plase test it agin than

    Hey Daniel! Thanks for checking in. I’d love to test the new version, but can’t find it anyplace? Is there as separate dev site or location to get it from?

    Thanks again

    I tried asking this question in another post but I’m not sure if it’s more appropriate here. I don’t know anything about cron jobs, I just want to back up my wp files from godaddy using this plugin.
    Under backup to Directory, backwpupautomatically enters:
    (modified for privacy)

    I don’t recognize the full path or any part of it before wp-content, but sure enough when I ftp to the site, I can see the back up files are in wp-content. But when I run a backup, I get various errors and when I try to download and open the zip files created there, it either says that it’s empty, or else I don’t have permission, or else it’s corrupt (the or else depends on which computer I try to open from (xp or windows7)
    Can someone explain what I might be doing wrong? Or am I experiencing the same problems that other posters mention?

    please send me a log file.

    Hi Daniel,

    Tried new version. Similar error messages as before. Can setup private account for you on my server to see if the problem is on the backWPup host server, or something in the ftp server settings. You have my email from your blog site.

    Here’s the latest log attempt:

    2010-09-17 11:55.56: Connected by SSL to FTP server: ftp.xxxxxxxx.com
    2010-09-17 11:55.56: FTP Client command: USER [email protected]
    2010-09-17 11:55.56: FTP Server reply: User [email protected] logged in.
    2010-09-17 11:55.56: FTP Client command: PASV
    2010-09-17 11:55.56: FTP Server reply: Entering Passive Mode
    2010-09-17 11:55.56: FTP Client command: SYST
    2010-09-17 11:55.56: FTP Server reply: UNIX
    2010-09-17 11:56.06: [WARNING] ftp_put() [function.ftp-put]: php_connect_nonb() failed: Operation now in progress (115)
    2010-09-17 11:56.06: [WARNING] ftp_put() [function.ftp-put]: TYPE is now 8-bit binary
    2010-09-17 11:56.06: [ERROR] Can not transfer backup to FTP server.
    2010-09-17 11:56.17: [WARNING] ftp_nlist() [function.ftp-nlist]: php_connect_nonb() failed: Operation now in progress (115)
    2010-09-17 11:56.17: Backup Archive File size is 3.59 MB
    2010-09-17 11:56.17: Job done in 33 sec.

    And this is the partial log from un-checking the Passiv box:

    2010-09-17 12:05.17: FTP Client command: PASV
    2010-09-17 12:05.17: FTP Server reply: Entering Normal Mode
    2010-09-17 12:05.17: FTP Client command: SYST
    2010-09-17 12:05.17: FTP Server reply: UNIX
    2010-09-17 12:05.27: [WARNING] ftp_put() [function.ftp-put]: PORT command successful
    2010-09-17 12:05.27: [ERROR] Can not transfer backup to FTP server.
    2010-09-17 12:05.47: Backup Archive File size is 3.59 MB
    2010-09-17 12:05.47: Job done in 35 sec.

    Note: on the second “normal mode” attempt, an empty file gets created at the destination ftp location.

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